Designing tourism experiences: how to create something from nothing

The Echoes Ecomuseum project assigned the international tourism management students a group project for the course Tourism Product and Experience Design, including various assignments related to designing, implementing and developing tourism products and experiences.

Our group consisted of two degree students, Julia and Jere, as well as two Spanish exchange students, Paula and Marina. Sammallahdenmäki, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Rauma, was selected as our group’s project location, and the objective was to come up with an innovative tourism experience design there.

We started with visiting the destination together in order to come up with ideas and to evaluate the site. At the latest at this point we realized how challenging this project would be for us: not to belittle the historical value of the location, but for an average visitor like any of us, it was literally just a forest area with piles of stones. However, after brainstorming, planning, getting feedback, developing, and adding a little bit of imagination and creativity, we created our final experience design: an augmented reality tour into the Bronze Age in Sammallahdenmäki.

The designed experience is a guided journey into the past along the natural path from the comfort of your own home. Within the six stops on the 1,5-kilometer trail, the live guide will tell compelling stories about the hereditary value of the site and the livelihoods of the people of the past. The tour will be recorded in advance and there will be performers acting scenes to bring history to life. Overall, we also got good feedback on our concept.

We found this learning experience in general very interesting, as we have been able to analyze the current state and future needs of a place that only consists of a pile of rocks, and we have also been able to analyze all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in order to start creating the experience.

This final experience made us open our imagination to create an attractive and original experience and we liked doing this practice, as it is not easy to find the potential and opportunities for this place.

We believe that the idea we have come up with is the one that best suits our destination, as it can be used to great advantage, a plan for whole family without having to leave home and at same time learn about the history of a destination recognized by the UNESCO.

Augmented reality is a way of getting to know the most hidden – or not so hidden – places to people from all over the world, giving the places the value they deserve.

Text and pictures: Julia Alankoja and Jere Iivari, second year SAMK International Tourism Management students & exchange students Paula Carrion Serrano and Marina Marin Martin from Universidad de Málaga

Mitkä ihmeen Resto-kisat?

Mitkä ihmeen Resto-kisat, kysyin itseltäni, kun sähköpostiini kilahti tammikuussa viesti aiheena ’Lähdetkö SAMKin joukkueeseen Resto-kisoihin 2022?’. Pienen aprikoinnin ja selvittelyn jälkeen vastasin viestiin myöntävästi, enkä ole jäänyt katumaan päätöstäni hetkeksikään.

Jo vuodesta 2002 asti järjestetyt Resto-tietotaitokisat kisattiin tänä vuonna Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun järjestämänä Jyväskylässä. Kisoissa restonomiopiskelijat pääsevät kisaamaan joukkueensa kanssa muita ammattikorkeakouluja vastaan erilaisissa matkailualaan liittyvissä kilpailutehtävissä. Verkostoituminen on myös tärkeä osa Resto-kisoja, sillä se tarjoaa oivan mahdollisuuden tutustua muihin alan tuleviin osaajiin sekä kisojen yhteistyökumppaneihin sekä tapahtumaan osallistuviin opettajiin eli kollegoihin.

SAMKin joukkue SataMimmit: Sofia Viertola, Milla Ruonala, Jonna Hautamäki ja Julia Roumio sekä joukkueen maskotti Porin karhun pohjoinen serkku Mimmi.

Jo ennen kisakaupunkiin saapumista kisajoukkue pääsee testaamaan osaamistaan ennakkotehtävän merkeissä. Tänä vuonna joukkueiden tehtävänä oli suunnitella palvelukonsepti Jyväskylän satamaan avattavaan Sataman Viiluun sekä kuvata joukkueesta lyhyt esittelyvideo. Lisäksi joukkueemme valmistautui kisoihin lukemalla järjestävästä ammattikorkeakoulusta JAMKista, alueen isoimmista matkailutoimijoista sekä meneillään olevista hankkeista ja projekteista.

Joukkue valmistautumassa viimeisen tehtävän esitykseen Vesilinnan näköalaravintolassa

Itse kisat olivat kaksipäiväiset, mutta kisoja edeltävänä iltana saimme mahdollisuuden osallistua get together -iltaan, jolloin pääsimme jo tutustumaan muihin joukkueisiin. Kisapäivät olivat erittäin antoisia ja opettavaisia, mutta pitkiä. Oli mahtavaa päästä tutustumaan niin moneen uuteen ihmiseen ja haastamaan sekä testaamaan omaa osaamistaan kisatehtävissä. Kisat huipentuivat viimeisenä kisapäivänä juhlalliseen gaalailtaan. Illan aikana pääsimme nauttimaan neljän ruokalajin menun ja viettämään aikaa muiden kisaajien kanssa. Myös kisojen voittajat julkistettiin illan gaalassa.

Joukkueemme pärjäsi tämän vuoden kisoissa mahtavasti! Ykkössija oli Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoululle ensimmäinen laatuaan. Koko kisan voiton lisäksi voitimme parhaan ennakkotehtävän palkinnon sekä saimme kunniamaininnan toisen kisatehtävän toimeksiantajalta Sauna From Finlandilta ja Savutuvan Apajalta. Kisoista jäi silti päällimmäisenä mieleen kuinka mahtava ja ainutlaatuinen kokemus se oli.

Kannustankin kaikkia opiskelijoita tarttumaan tilaisuuteen, jos sellaista sinulle tarjotaan!

SataMimmit voitti koko kisan!

Seuraavan vuoden Resto-kisat järjestetään Tampereella ja vuonna 2024 on SAMKin vuoro päästä isännöimään kilpailut.

Teksti: Milla Ruonala, kolmannen vuoden International Tourism Development -koulutusohjelman opiskelija
Kuvat: Emma Roinila, matkailuliiketoiminnan lehtori

A traveler who found passion in aviation

Could you imagine that my dream job before working as Cabin Crew was always a criminal researcher? But then tourism and travel took a place in my heart more than murders! Let me tell you all about it..

I guess my background (being born in Thailand) is one of the reasons I ended up in the travel and tourism industry, but in addition I have a passion for exotic and unique destinations, people from different cultures, as well as for aviation and its development. It has been a quite journey to follow this ride since 2015 when I started my studies at Travel College, and everything changed.

I started to wonder is there any reason why I love traveling and working in this industry so much. Originally, I thought I will move to the Canary Islands to be a travel guide for the rest of my life. That was part of the highlights I saw from the travel industry. But since then I have experienced so much more than I could ever had imagined as a traveler and employee of the tourism industry.

Tourism is part of every one of us. You are planning to take a trip to summer cottage in countryside or taking a city break to London to see culture and experience the five-o-clock-tea. When you are a tourist outside of your home base, you are described as a tourist, either inside your home country or abroad.

When we do research about tourism and explore the world, we will see that tourism is a huge concept with several possibilities. I think one of the reasons why I chose the tourism industry is the diversity and sustainable developing of the whole industry. Tourism has so many job possibilities and you have colleagues worldwide.

I found my passion in aviation

During these six years of working in the travel industry I have finally found my passion. I have a special passion for aviation, which started at Finnair and has been a part of my life since 2018. I was so excited to start my career at work which included thousands of rules and strict legislation from uniform to speaking style. Later, I finally got my wings to the aircraft and received my dream work – Cabin Crew Member. As a steward, I get to see so many interesting and unique (and of course warm) places such as Singapore and Cape Verde. I learned from the locals about their culture around the world and felt a warm welcome wherever I traveled. Exploring cultures with locals and seeing different people onboard, my eyes were opened by the world. It has been something I have, somehow, dreamed about.

When working above the clouds, I finally realized that I am studying and working in the right industry with full of joy and inspiration from different factors. It is great to see how the industry has been developed and to be a part of its international atmosphere. In the future, I see myself as airline employee, and hopefully I will become one sunny day the instructor for new cabin crew members.

Welcome onboard and see you up there!

Text and pictures: Suti Niemelä, first year International Tourism Management student

Animals are not for tourist entertainment

Lots of tourists are interested in experiencing wild life and its animals as closely as possible. And this is very understandable. It is exciting to see, and in some cases even touch, a wild animal. Especially if the animal is exotic like a tiger or an elephant for example. But this doesn’t mean it is ok to do so. Animals don’t exist for us humans to have entertainment and excitement. Animals belong in the nature and they should be left alone. Looking at animals in their natural habitat from a distance is acceptable but getting too close or trying to get the animals to do certain things for people is not.

A very good and popular example of people in tourism business taking advantage of animals, is elephant riding. Many people are interested in doing this and it may seem harmless. But as it is written in the article by Peta there are many problems with this popular tourist activity. The elephants used in elephant riding are often abused and forced to work too much. They are treated horribly and they don’t get to live by their nature. They are taken away from their mothers when they are very young and they often times suffer from mental problems, because of how they are treated. And it should be remembered that even if elephants were treated better, they still don’t exist for people and people are not supposed to ride elephants.

Same things apply to many other animals as well. They are kept in zoos, where they don’t get to live in the way they are meant to. And in lot of places tourists bother the animals on purpose to get them to act in a certain way for a video or a photo. And there are also places where people can pose with a tiger, for example to get a picture. All these things are animal abuse, and more people should be aware of the problems related to using animals as tourist attractions. There are many great ways to travel in nature without participating in animal abuse.

Text: Tuuli Airas, second year student in the degree programme in Tourism
Pictures: Pixabay

Studying international tourism

As a person that has moved countries at a young age, I have always been interested in getting to know other cultures and meeting new people. When I saw the opportunity of studying international tourism, I instantly took it and I have never regretted it. I think tourism studies are very useful at the present time because the tourism industry is and will continue to grow stronger.

I really appreciate this industry and the people employed in it because working with different types of people and cultures is definitely not easy and pleasing everyone is impossible.

Even though Covid-19 messed up lots of jobs and career opportunities for a lot of people, when it will be over, tourism will come back or even grow stronger as an industry.

When thinking about studying tourism, a lot of people’s minds might jump into things like travelling only, but it is a lot more than that. Tourism is a large industry in which you can learn things from a local, national, and global point of view. Studying tourism and hospitality can bring you lots of well-paid job offers, as well as good work experience that teaches you very good work skills that are recognized in many more work fields. On top of that, you learn something new and experience new things every day.

I think a person that has traveled in lots of countries and has seen many types of people and cultures wins at life.

In my opinion, when studying travel, tourism, and hospitality, it is very important to be a traveler yourself. It is easier to get to know the industry and study field when practically visiting places and learning that way.

I think a person that has travelled in lots of countries and has seen many types of people and cultures wins at life. These days it is easier to travel than it was before because the world has evolved so much.

I think I will definitely be working in the hospitality industry in the future, because I can’t find a single thing I don’t like in it and I think that is amazing – finally finding something I love to do and will love always.

Text: Alexandra Marin, first year International Tourism Management student
Pictures: Pixabay

Koronapandemian vaikutukset matkailuun

Vaikka ilmastonmuutos on ollut tapetilla jo pitkään, on sille viime vuosien aikana uhrattu enemmän palstatilaa, ja se on saanut normaalin kuluttajan pohtimaan yhä tarkemmin päivittäisiä valintojaan.

Paljon on ollut puhetta ”arjen pienistä teoista”, joilla voi kuitenkin merkittävästi hidastaa ilmastonmuutoksen etenemistä. Yksi suurin huonoa omaa tuntoa aiheuttanut tekijä on ollut matkustaminen, sillä matkustamiseen kuuluu lähes aina jokin kulkuväline, joka harvemmin liikkuu pyhällä hengellä. Matkailualaa voidaan kritisoida myös sen aiheuttamista luonnon maisemien tuhoamisesta, eläinten ja paikallisten asukkaiden häiriintymisestä sekä jäteongelmista. Lista on oikeastaan melko pitkä, mutta siihen on myös reagoitu moniulotteisesti kehittämällä matkailusta kestävämpää.

Matkailuala on suuri, jopa merkittävin elinkeino useille maille, ja se työllistää miljoonia ihmisiä ympäri maailmaa. Esimerkiksi Afrikan maat ylläpitävät suojelualueiden hoitoa niiden sisäänpääsymaksuilla, jotka tuottavat arviolta 142 miljoonaa Yhdysvaltain dollaria vuodessa. Koronapandemian myötä matkailun ollessa suljettu, ovat monet suojelualueet ja niiden ympärillä elävät yhteisöt eläneet kuukausia ilman tuloja. Tämä näkyy suojelualueiden hoidon katkeamisena, suojeltavien eläinten salametsästyksenä ja asukkaiden toimeentulon loppumisena. Suojelutoiminnan loppuminen voi siis vaikuttaa luonnon monimuotoisuuteen erittäin radikaalisti.

Covid-19 pandemia herättää meissä ymmärrettävästi enemmän negatiivisia tunteita. Matkustusrajoitukset ovat vieneet monta matkailualan yrittäjää konkurssin partaalle, lentoemännät ovat päätyneet töihin sairaalan tapaturma-asemille, ja normaalisti aurinkorannoilta kirjoittelevat matkabloggarit ovat joutuneet tyytymään kotimaan nähtävyyksiin, tai pysymään kotisohvillaan. Mutta matkustusrajoitukset ja turismiaktiviteettien sulkeminen on merkinnyt myös luonnon ja sen eliöiden palautumista. Etenkin massaturismista ja sen seurauksista kärsineet kohteet ovat saaneet hengähtää ja parantua matkustamisen ollessa tauolla. Lisäksi kotimaan matkailu on lisääntynyt, ja ihmisten suhde luontoon on parantunut.

Vaikka pandemialla ei ole YK:n raportin mukaan ollut suurta muutosta ilmastonmuutokseen, on se vähintään muuttanut ajattelutapaa ja luonut täysin uusia, virtuaalisia matkustustapoja. Ja vaikka jo pitkään on kehitetty kaikenlaisia ympäristöystävällisiä ratkaisuja, on korona-ajan vahvistama lentohäpeä yhdessä koronan vuoksi lisääntyneen ilmastokeskustelun kanssa saanut ihmiset arvioimaan matkustustarvettaan entistä kriittisemmin. Mehän tiedämme, ettei kotiin jääminen ole vastaus ongelmaan, vaan meidän tulisi matkustaa ilmastoa ja ympäristöä säästävästi, pidempään ja harvemmin. Itse uskon, että Covid-19 liittyy vahvasti ilmastonmuutokseen, jossa elämme tällä hetkellä, ja sen vaikutukset näkyvät matkailualassa pitkään. Matkailualan tulee sopeutua tähän muutokseen vastaamalla asiakkaiden arvoihin jatkuvalla kehityksellä.

Teksti: Nanni Valkonen, Matkailun tutkinto-ohjelman toisen vuoden opiskelija
Kuvat: Pixabay

Työhaastattelussa pöydän toisella puolella – opiskelijan mahdollisuus oppia ja vaikuttaa

Osallistuin alkuvuodesta 2022 opiskelijaedustajana SAMKin uuden palveluliiketoiminnan lehtorin valintaprosessiin. SAMKissa opiskelijaedustaja on tasavertainen jäsen uuden opettajan valintaprosessissa ja osallistuu päätöksentekoon yhdessä muun henkilökunnan kanssa. Opiskelijajäsenenä tehtäväni oli tuoda rekrytointiprosessiin opiskelijanäkökulmaa. Tämä on erittäin tärkeä, sillä opiskelijat ovat juuri niitä, joiden kanssa opettajat tulevat työskentelemään. Mielestäni on erittäin hienoa, että SAMKissa opiskelijoille annetaan mahdollisuus vaikuttaa ja osallistua opettajien valintaan koskevaan päätöksentekoon.

Valintaprosessi alkoi työhakemuksien läpi käymisellä. En osannut odottaa, että hakijat ja hakemukset olisivat olleet niin erilaisia. Monimuotoisuus työelämässä nousi hakemuksista vahvasti esiin. Ymmärsin hakemuksia lukiessani, että maailma on todellakin mahdollisuuksia täynnä. Vaikka jokainen meistä tuleekin valmistumaan ammattikorkeakoulusta tietyn nimikkeen alle, ovat työelämämahdollisuudet lähes rajattomat. Jokaisella on mahdollisuus hyvin erilaisiin urapolkuihin omien kiinnostusten kohteiden mukaan.

En ollut koskaan aikaisemmin osallistunut työhaastatteluun haastattelijan roolissa, joten haastattelutilanne tuntui aluksi todella jännittävältä. Pyrin haastattelukysymyksilläni kartoittamaan ensisijaisesti haastateltavan ominaisuuksia opettajana ja tapoja toimia opiskelijoiden kanssa. Mielestäni oli tärkeää selvittää, millaisena he kokevat opiskelijoiden kanssa työskentelyn. Halusin myös kuulla, olivatko he aikaisemmin opettaessaan keränneet toiminnastaan palautetta ja millaista palautetta he olivat saaneet.

Hakijat olivat valmistaneet haastattelutilaisuuteen opetusnäytteen, jonka lopussa oli englanninkielinen tiivistelmä. Opetusnäytteen aiheena oli myynnin tavoitteenasetanta ja seuranta pyrkimyksenä matkailualan pk-yrityksen kannattavuuden parantaminen. Tarkoituksena oli luoda opetustilanne, jossa haastattelijat näyttelivät kolmannen vuoden restonomiopiskelijoita. Opetusnäytteet olivat keskenään hyvin erilaisia ja tehtävänantoa oli lähestytty eri näkökulmista. Toiset esittelivät suunnitelman koko aihetta käsittelevän opintojakson sisällöstä, kun taas toiset keskittyivät itse aiheen opettamiseen, kuin kyseessä olisi ollut luento keskellä meneillään olevaa opintojaksoa. Annettu aika opetusnäytteeseen oli rajallinen, joten monilla oli haasteita saada kiteytettyä kaikki haluamansa aiheesta. Itseeni vaikutuksen opetusnäytteissä tekivät erilaiset opetusmenetelmät, kuten ryhmätyöt ja yhteistyöprojektit työelämän kanssa. Myös asiantuntijuus ja luonnollinen esiintyminen opetustilanteessa erottivat hakijat toisistaan.

Lopulliseen valintaan vaikutti moni asia ja päätöksenteko vaati keskustelua sekä erilaisten näkökulmien tarkastelua koko valintaryhmältä. Koen, että mielipiteeni huomioitiin ja sain todella vaikuttaa lopulliseen valintaan. Valintaprosessissa mukana oleminen oli mielenkiintoista ja opetti minulle paljon. Harva työelämään valmistuva nuori pääsee lukemaan toisten, varsinkaan eri alojen ammattilaisten työhakemuksia ja kokemaan työhaastattelutilanteen haastattelijan näkökulmasta. Harvoin näkee myöskään kanssahakijoiden haastattelutilanteita, joten oli opettavaista verrata omia työnhaku- ja työhaastattelutilannetaitoja muihin.  Tämä kokemus oli mielestäni loistava työelämään valmentava tilaisuus ajatellen omaa työnhakua ja mahdollista esimiestyötä tulevaisuudessa.

Teksti: Julia Roumio, Matkailun tutkinto-ohjelman kolmannen vuoden opiskelija
Kuvat: Microsoftin kuvapankki

I don’t need no beach vacations, as long as I have the sea!

Airplane’s tires hit the ground. I get out of the plane, and the humid warmth hits my face like a wall. It’s almost midnight, but it’s so warm. Finding the right taxi that was ordered for us is a challenge. 40 minutes’ drive after the flight feels like ages. Can’t wait to get to the marina. Smell the sea and the fresh air.

I haven’t travelled much. Just your occasional cruise to Sweden and Estonia. A few trips to Russia were pretty mind opening. A car trip to Copenhagen through Sweden was fun. I haven’t been to any beach holidays, but I might not even want to take those, after I have been sailing several times in the Mediterranean Sea.

I can’t swim properly. I’m afraid of water, but yet, I feel the connection to the sea. The power of it is so strong, you must be very humble in front of it. But then again, it’s so calming. You can look at an ocean for so long and have no idea how much time has passed. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have lived my entire life by the sea.

If you have the possibility to go on a sailboat, I highly recommend it. And even better, if possible, to go on a yacht abroad and sail away…

I don’t recommend big cities. The large tourist traps. Sail the sea and visit the small villages. The ones with the real heart of that country. The little villages you want to visit all over again, because of the authentic people. The authentic music. The authentic nature.

There’s nothing better than drinking your morning coffee on a boat’s deck. Feel the warmth of the sun as it rises.  Or at night, when the sun has come down, sit on that deck. Listen to the little waves touch the boat and hear the happy noises from the village. Whenever I’m sad or stressed, I go back to those memories. And those memories confirm that yes, that is where I want to go again. I don’t need no beach vacations, as long as I have the sea.

I went sailing first time in 2001. My parents had gone a few times before that. I had never heard about that kind of possibility. Never even seen an advertisement on this subject. So, I’ve been thinking: How much different possibilities does traveling have? Why don’t people know about these things?

Hopefully, in my future career in tourism, I will have the chance to change that and show the people how wonderful our world really is.

Text and pictures: Heli Kulju, first year International Tourism Management student

Practical training might be a way to your dream job

My name is Kalle Kaseva, I’m a 23-year-old third year student studying International Tourism in Satakunta University of Applied Sciences. After our second year of studies, we had the privilege to apply to a practical training that correlates somehow with our area of studies.

Me at work

Practical training means that during your second year of studies in International Tourism in SAMK, you will complete a five month internship in a business related to your field of studies. The main goal is to utilize the things you’ve learned and learn from hands on experiences within the field.

My practical training in Sokos Hotel Vaakuna

I completed my practical training here in my hometown Pori, as a receptionist in Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna. The main job description entailed for me to work as a receptionist in the lobby in shifts varying from day shifts to night shifts. The practical training lasted for 5 months, and it was a great opportunity to gain a better understanding of what I hope to be the type of job I’ll be doing for the rest of my life.

In the beginning of the practical training I was preparing breakfast in order to know how its prepared and served which in turn could help me answer potential questions from accommodating guests. Also, I was working with the housekeeping in order to learn about the layouts and preparations of the rooms. This came in handy when I needed to prepare extra beds for guests.  I learned a lot during these five months, about hotels in general as well as the services they provide for visiting guests.

I got to meet many interesting people, as well as complete various engaging tasks through my job. The best thing about my practical training was the opportunity to work with so many great people, whom I hope to work with in the future as well. One of the benefits during the practical training was that the hotel itself provides a free meal from either the breakfast lounge or from Amarillo as a form of compensation for your practical training time, and if you are lucky, you might be able work there after completing your practical training as I have.

Also, if you are a pet-person, you are in luck! The hotel also provides accommodation for guests travelling with pets!

If you are curious of applying into Sokos Hotel Vaakuna Pori, I recommend it strongly!

Text: Kalle Kaseva, third year International Tourism Management student
Pictures: Sokoshotels website and Facebook

Mass tourism – what are the consequences and solutions?

Mass tourism is a phenomenon observed in many popular destinations and it has many negative consequences on the environment.

Mass tourism is when there is such a concentration of tourists in one place that there are social, economic or ecological consequences. Venice, Barcelona, Dubrovnik, for example, are cities particularly affected by mass tourism but there are also natural places like Komodo Island, Machu Picchu, or Maya Bay in Thailand. Several reasons attract tourists to these places such as famous monuments, popular beaches, famous sites due to film or series shootings…

What are the consequences of mass tourism?

Firstly, mass tourism can also have positive aspects. Indeed, tourism generates money for the local population and the country. Moreover, it can create new jobs. But unfortunately, the negative consequences are more numerous. The major problems caused by mass tourism are :

  • A high production of CO2 caused by the very polluting transports such as planes or cruise ships. The transportation industry is a major contributor to climate change.
  • A rise in rents in the cities and a lack of space for locals. In the most touristic places, hotels and vacation residences are not enough. To compensate for this lack of space, many accommodations are transformed into Airbnb or are rented to tourists, which does not leave much room for locals.
  • The destruction of natural areas for the benefit of touristic infrastructures. The constructions destroy fauna and flora, which can lead to the extinction of certain species.

What are the solutions adopted by the destinations?

Some destinations are forced to take drastic measures to fight against mass tourism. Among these measures there are quotas, regulations, limited duration of visits, mandatory reservations, taxes for visitors or even temporary closure of certain places. Here are some examples:

  • Santorini, a popular destination for cruise passengers, has imposed a cap of 8,000 visitors per day for cruise ships.
  • In Amsterdam, Airbnb owners can only rent their property for 60 days a year and for a maximum of 4 people. This prevents too many party-goers in the party-heavy city but also prevents all properties from being owned by investors which leaves no room for locals.
  • The island of Boracay in the Philippines has totally closed its access to tourists for 6 months to let the biodiversity regenerate and to make a big cleaning.
  • The site of Machu Picchu in Peru also had to adopt many measures. From now on, you have to book a time slot to be able to visit it. The visit cannot last more than 4 hours and it is obligatory to be accompanied by an approved guide.

What are the solutions to travel more sustainably?

You can make your travel more sustainable by adopting small habits. Here are a few tips:

  • Travel with sustainable transportation. Use public transportation such as trains or buses which have lower CO2 emissions. You can also opt for the bicycle.
  • Avoid traveling in high season to avoid the big tourist flows. If possible, do not travel at the same time as families and regular vacationers. Traveling in low season is often cheaper and more sustainable.
  • Opt for micro-adventures. As we have noticed during the Covid 19 pandemic, you don’t have to travel very far from home to experience things. Let yourself be surprised by the hidden places around you.
  • Support the local economy by shopping at local businesses. Locals are often the ones who suffer the most from mass tourism, by going to local restaurants and stores, you support the locals financially.

Text: Camille De Borman, exchange student from Haute École Galilée University of Applied Sciences in Belgium
Pictures: Pixabay

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