Believe me: Pori is a wellness paradise!

If you give a damn about your wellness and you love the sea, you need to be studying in Pori. Yes, you read that right.

Pori is often portrayed as a working-class city, where one ends up in a drunken fight, while picking up late-night snack from a grill kiosk. While there is no denying this scenario could be witnessed in the night of Pori, I would like to share my experiences from this actually quite charming city by the Bothnian Sea, as someone who moved from another city to Pori to study International Tourism Management mids the global coronavirus pandemic in 2020.

Wellness is a term often mixed up with well-being, even though there is a stark difference between the two. As the Global Wellness Institute (GWI) describes: ”Wellness is the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health”, meanwhile well-being is the state of being satisfied with ones condition of existing.

As I settled down in Pori in 2020, I did not have much prior knowledge of the city and what it has to offer nor was I too concerned on my well-being. Before starting my academic journey, I assumed the upcoming student life would revolve around bar-hopping and taking part in student events. I came to realize that the experiences were stolen from us, due to us living mids the global pandemic. As the result, the events were cancelled and the restaurants were forced to keep their doors shut. It was a bummer, but I came to see, it might have been a blessing in disguise.

Many refer the world-shocking virus acting as a ”global value resetter”, making us more aware of our well-being and health. As many Finns alike, I turned into the nature to source well-being. I ventured local places, such as the picturesque island of Reposaari, which idyllic wooden houses and rocky shores enchanted me from the first glimpse. I had long winter walks along the Scandinavia’s longest beach dunes of Yyteri, and explored the rage of the ocean on a lighthouse island of Kallo.

After having a walk on the shores of the Bothnian Bay, I felt as I had taken a class from some world-renowed mindfulness guru, due to the the feeling of complete relaxation of my mind and body. Not only was my tensity gone, but I felt more competent as a student, which I believe, also reflected on my academic success.

Do we need another global crisis to be able to value our well-being? Can we all just make it a norm to incorporate the active pursuit of health into our lives and aim to the best versions of ourselves?

As someone who was hesitant to take the leap mids pandemic and accept a study place in a small city like Pori, I would not change a thing. The wellness sourced from breathing in the fresh sea air, walking along the scenic coastline while listening the pace of the waves provides much longer lasting well-being than few Gin Tonics at a local club. And I have even finally become in terms with the Jackdaws keeping me up all night by screezing their lungs out behind my window.

Text and photos: Liisa Kemppainen, soon-to-be-graduating International Tourism Management student

Ice swimming in Finland

Hey everyone! I am Maria Mengual Renart, a Spanish exchange student from Málaga. During my exchange studies at SAMK I really liked the Well-being from Blue Spaces course and I am going to explain you why.

Overall, I have studied and for instance learned more about the positive effects of water to the well-being of people and also the environment.

My favourite part was getting to know more about what activities are helpful for people, like anti-stressing stuff, or increasing the circulation of our blood.

If you had never thought about it like me, now you know that water makes a huge impact in our life. Some of these activities that helps us are; ice swimming, spa treatments, saunas, thermal baths, ice fishing, even just walking down along the beachside and enjoying the sound of the sea will make a change of your mood and for instance it will helps you.

The girl in the picture is me when I tried for the first-time ice swimming! It was such a funny and enriching experience. After doing it, I felt like a whole new person!

Did you know that water also helps our skin? Well, yes, it does. Water helps to moisturize, refresh, clean and also helps to improve the texture and appearance of the skin. There are a lot of cosmetics that uses water as their main ingredient, for example, micellar water, which is a facial cleanser that uses the natural attraction of micelles (tiny particles that attract dirt and oils) to cleanse skin without leaving a greasy residue. Additionally, water can help balance the skin’s pH, which can help reduce the appearance of large pores and improve skin texture.

This picture shows a micellar water of a famous Finnish brand Lumene that I discovered during my stay in Finland.

On the whole, I have learned a lot of new things about the impacts of water that I didn’t know before and I hope I have helped you to realise some of these great effects that water provide us!

Text: Maria Mengual Renart, en exchange student in SAMK International Tourism Management degree programme

Visit to Yyteri Beach – experience the healing power of water

I went to Yyteri beach with some friends in October, and it was an experience I will never forget. I started my trip in Pori, which is one of the greatest places near the sea. I had never before gone close to the ocean. I had never seen the vast blue sea before. Yyteri Beach, in my opinion, is a hidden gem with a unique blend of pristine surroundings.

I was astounded by the shoreline’s magnificence and the surrounding scenery when I first arrived. The environment was serene and calm, and the place was remarkably clean. The fact that the site was totally sustainable benefits next generations.

I think that any trip to Finland must include a visit to Yyteri Beach. Me and my friend were just sensing the energy. I just stood and watched the waves for a short while, taking in their sounds. The ships that were arriving and the crispness of the wind hitting me made my day. I had only heard theoretical information about the beneficial effects of water before this trip, but this actual visit made it clearer to me how beneficial water is for healing.

Blue spaces are defined as any natural or artificial water-related habitat, including lakes, rivers, swimming pools, oceans, and so on, as we have learned. The importance of nature and blue spaces in our lives was the most fascinating thing I learned during my studies.

According to studies, spending time in blue environments enhances one’s sense of wellbeing and lowers stress, anxiety, and sadness. It’s a fantastic way to get back from the hectic everyday life and the digital world.

As is well known, there is a wonderful, serene setting by the water, complete with the sound of breaking waves, which is truly mind-refreshing. This pushes us to live in the moment and let go of our fears. I was only concentrating on the surrounding environment when I was at the beach, which allowed us to become more conscious of our feelings and ideas. All in all, that trip helped me to enhance my wellbeing.

When discussing the therapeutic properties of water, swimming is the most effective activity. It offers numerous, priceless benefits. Regular swimming enhances the quality of our sleep by regulating our sleep patterns, according to research. We all know how crucial sleep is to maintain both our physical and mental well-being. The sound of running water has a very soothing effect that eases stress and promotes calmness in our minds.

There are further scientific advantages to swimming as well. Research indicates that swimming releases endorphins, which are naturally occurring mood enhancers that can help reduce symptoms of fear and hopelessness. It also serves as a kind of replacement for individuals who are unable to engage in other sports or hobbies like weightlifting, cycling, trekking, and so forth. People congregate in swimming locations, which presents opportunities to interact with people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and wellbeing practices. All in all, it’s a fantastic method for enhancing our mental well-being.

Text and pictures: Shahbaj Husen Khan, first year student in International Tourism Management

Water nurtures, embraces and brings us back to life

Course that was only available in an online version seemed very interesting to me, althought I would have wanted it to be contact lessons. The course topic is something that could create discussion. Why water is so important for our well-being, not only for consuming but mentally also?

Sea and water itself for us Finnish people should be an important asset. Clean water is not that common in the world. We should appreciate it and cherish it. Swimming in the lake, or a fell stream should be lifegoals or even a way of life.

I have followed this one woman @jonna_saari in Instagram for many years and grown into admiring her way of life. She moved to Lapland and is enjoying life on it’s fullest. She goes for a morning swim in the small forest lake with the purest water and morning fog around her. She finds well-being from the silent morning and cold water. It makes her body feel alive and her mind focused.

In my opinion this is something that could be seen as an experience from the north. Something unusual and something so pure and natural. Oh and did I mention she goes there sometimes even naked, surrounded by the forest, the smells, the silent sounds of nature with nothing on, just the feel of the cold water on her skin. This feeling is not common for all of us but it should be at least once in a lifetime happening.

This is something that I have wanted to experience myself. The old ways of us in the wilderness, the lakes and the streams in my beloved Lapland. These wilderness camps could be one good way to bring people away from the modern hectic way of life. No phones, just you and the nature. It could be also a nice way to empty the head full of business ideas, worry and time.

Water is something that calms us, no matter what it is there. It is silent, but strong. It feels relaxing and forgiving. It feels nurturing, embracing and brings us back to life. It is something that we will always need and something we will always seek. Water is purity and inspiration.

Water is an element we feel, used in commercials, in various methods of marketing. It makes us thirsty, it makes us clean. It is part of us. The sound of water is used in relaxation and meditation througout the world, as long as we have lived.

We all have a relationship with water, no matter where you live or how.  It might be love, need, fear or for example respect. What does water represent to you? It has so many various sides to it and in tourism it can be used so many different ways.

One question could bring so many different answers. What is your well-being from the blue spaces?

Text and photos: Mai Virtanen, third year International Tourism Management student

Feeling blue – Mental well-being from blue spaces

On the course Well-being from Blue Spaces, we learned about various aspects of themes related to the course name. The most interesting thing I came across with during the course was mental well-being from blue spaces and I wanted to research it a bit more. Caring for mental well-being is an integral part of life as a student, as a healthy mind learns best, and I wanted to reflect the theme in my place of study, the city of Pori.

When you think of water, what sensations arise within you?

We know that spending time in nature promotes well-being in many different ways, for example, it relieves stress, soothes the body and mind, and increases satisfaction. Studies show that nature improves perceived health (status), enhances social cohesion, and supports physical activity. You can certainly get the same benefits from spending time by the water. For example, many Finns go to the water on their holiday and feel happy there, whether it is a summer cottage on the lake or a beach holiday in the sun.

People living near the coastal areas are happier and healthier

However, the health benefits of so-called blue spaces have been studied relatively little so far, but the studies show that people living near the coastal areas are happier and healthier. The closer the blue spaces are to home, the more they strengthen the well-being of the residents. It is important to preserve the opportunity for Finns to experience the health benefits of nature and water through good urban planning and the protection of nearby nature, especially due to the densification of residential areas and increasingly technical way of life.

The city of Pori provides a favorable setting for an urban blue space, the central park Kirjurinluoto, by the river Kokemäenjoki, in the heart of the city. In addition to being a relaxing oasis in the middle of the city, Kirjurinluoto provides great facilities for recreational activities, such as swimming, beach volley and disc golf, as well as walking, running and cycling on natural trails and routes.

Just a short drive away from the city center, is another charming and peaceful place to feel good, Meri-Pori. The revitalizing maritime area is best known for the endless sandy beach, Yyteri – one of the longest beaches in the Nordic countries.

Many find just viewing the sea a calming experience. After all, the positive associations with mental well-being seem more pronounced in the coastal blue spaces than in urban waters.

Get your good mood from the blue!

Text and pictures: Julia Alankoja, third year International Tourism Management student

Give yourself a chance to live offline

As someone who is obsessed with the mother nature, I recently realized I am slowly turning into a scheduled machine always doing things as pre-planned again and again. Nowadays our lives are always busy with something, so we do not have time to live our lives. We have responsibilities, work, studies, and many other things to take care of without even realizing the time is always ticking and we can not take back the time that has gone already.

As someone who came from the other side of the world to Finland, I find it as precious place to be in. The nature, the weather, the people, the culture – specially I cannot forget about the northern winter and aurora borealis. I believe the mother nature is amazing and unique in everywhere in the world, but we humans are yet to realize the real value of it.

The well-being of humans is one of the trending topics in modern world. Unfortunately, most people, including myself, are struggling to find the real happiness in the offline life. We are stuck in an online trap. We have already a very busy life due to our other things, but when you think about what is happening now is we are using our last free moments to maintain a fake life in social media. We are almost forgetting that we have a real life out there.

To change this from happening or continuing, we just have to take at least one step. So, I took my step. I found my passion. Now whenever I have the possibility or the opportunity, I always go offline for the well-being of myself. I highly encourage other to find their own passion and be close to the nature.

Finally, I believe that we are a product of the nature, but us humans have disconnected way too much from the nature, which is why we have so many problems. If we all are willing to treat the earth as it should be, it will also treat us as it should.

Text and pictures: Buddhi Panambarage, third year International Tourism Management student

How to feel well on exchange and choose the right courses

Hey everyone, I am Timo Beke. Although I have a Finnish name, I am actually from Belgium. I am an exchange student here in Finland for one semester. I am here to study international tourism. In this blog post I will talk to you briefly about my choice for Finland and my time here, but most of all I will talk about how I chose which courses to study. Choosing the right (interesting) courses can make or break your exchange. I had some difficulties with it so that is why I am writing this post.

My experience – well being on Erasmus

When I arrived in Finland on the I forgot why I wanted to be here. It didn’t look like what I thought it would, and Pori was a lot smaller then I had imagined. After a week of being very unhappy and missing everyone at home I wanted to make a change. I thought of what I usually do when I leave home for long periods of time and how I make sure I feel good then.

I realized that I hadn’t been doing any of the things I usually do, probably because of the freezing cold weather and the fact that I hadn’t met anyone yet. Usually I go exploring a lot, I like to be around water, and look at the animals that come and go to drink or to swim. I also do a lot of photography and that has a calming effect on me as well.

Picture: @travel_photography_timo

I decided to start doing more of the things that I usually do, and I immediately started feeling better. I met some people who also like to go out in nature and I found out how to get to the beach. I was so happy to be back near the sea and hear the familiar sounds of the waves and the birds.

It is important to keep doing the things you do at home to feel well on exchange. It doesn’t matter what you like to do, if you like to do yoga, work out, play football or go birdwatching go swimming try to get in touch with like minded people (the local tourism office can help you!).

Selecting your courses – how to choose?

Usually when you go on an exchange that isn’t a full year you get to choose your own courses. This can be quite overwhelming, because, well you don’t know what the courses are about.

To help you make your choice most of the courses have a short description to tell you what they are about. It is important to read those, because there are some things you should look out for

  1. Look at the number of ECTS credits! And ask if there are mandatory courses.
  2. Try to pick courses that are on campus rather then online. As an exchange student school is the easiest way to meet like minded people from the same age. Online courses or self study courses don’t give you the chance to meet people.
  3. Don’t chose the same courses you studied at your home university. It looks like an easy way to pass, but in my experience you either get really bored or confused (or a combination).
  4. Choose courses in your study field, don’t enroll in a wood working class if you are a physiotherapy student (obviously).
  5. Pick something weird or unusual (more on that later)!

With these 5 tips you should be able to pick the perfect courses to make your Erasmus as interesting as possible. The selection can be stressful, but remember that all exchange students go through this and maybe one of your friends can help you. And finally, if you did make a choice you regret, most schools are okay with changes. As an Erasmus student you represent their institution when you go back home, you can get away with way more then regular students if you just ask 😉

Picking something weird – courses you have never heard about

I believe everyone who is going on an exchange should try to pick one weird course. What do you mean with a weird course, you might ask?

I mean, pick a course that you have never seen or heard of before. When you go on exchange the chances are high that you will see courses that you would never see at your home university. All cultures are different and the culture of the place you are going to might influence some of their courses.

My weird choice was the course I am writing this blog post for, “”Well-being from Blue Spaces”. When I saw this I thought what the **** is this! I wondered what it could be and it got me interested enough to read the course description. After I read the course description I still wasn’t sure what it would be.

Picture: @travel_photography_timo

At first I thought is was going to be all about the ocean and the sea and the positive effects they have on people, and about how we can use them in tourism. This was mostly what the course was about, but a lot of it was also about the wellness culture in Finland. Saunas and ice baths really have a big influence here and I really noticed that in this course.

I am not a wellness type of person and I had taken one sauna before I came to Finland, and I said I would never do it again. This course convinced me to try it again and it was a pleasant surprise. I am still not a wellness person and I was purely going to do this course to learn about typical Finnish traditions and how they impact the Finnish view on tourism.

However, at the end of the course we had to make an assignment about food tourism, another topic I had never heard about. It was another pleasant surprise and I really enjoyed working on that topic. It was something I wouldn’t have discovered without doing this “weird” course, but I am really happy I did.

This example just shows it is good to pick something you normally wouldn’t, you might discover something you like! I hope you got something from this for your own Erasmus, and if you want to see more of my travel adventures you can check it out on .

Text and pictures: Timo Beke, Erasmus exchange student from Thomas More University of Applied Sciences in Belgium

An accidental wellness traveler

Before I started to study International Tourism Management, my idea about wellness tourism was somewhat narrow and one-sided. When someone said wellness, I immediately thought about nice-looking young adults showing off their healthy lifestyle on Instagram, posting photos of their bleached teeth smiles, yoga poses and superfood smoothies, or intense fitness bootcamp routines. I thought that it was just another short-lived trend that would die away within a year or two, becoming so mainstream that people would just stop caring about it.

Seeing it merely as a superficial social media trend, I felt that wellness tourism was not my cup of tea, that my interests as a traveler were something else entirely, and that I would never become a wellness tourist myself.

However, the definition of a wellness traveler is much more flexible than I had thought. Whereas the primary wellness tourist category may indeed include some hard-core and very eco-conscious practitioners of yoga and meditation, who travel solely to improve their physical and mental well-being, the secondary wellness tourist category is much more inclusive and less constraining.

Basically, any traveler who takes part into wellness activity during their trip can be categorized as a secondary wellness tourist, which means that wellness is not the reason they decided to travel, but they might be interested in going to a local gym, spa or some other wellness facility during their trip. Now that was something less absolute that I could also relate to.

Reflecting on my past as a traveler, I suddenly started to see several occasions where I had embarked on an unplanned wellness activity during my trip. As going to a spa is among the oldest and the most universal wellness activities, coming across the mention of Japanese onsens and super sentos in the Well-being from Blue Spaces course materials made me reminiscence my trip to Kyushu in 2019.

My wellness tourism experience in Japan

In the summer of 2019, I stayed in the city of Oita and visited its neighboring town Beppu by bicycle. Ironically, although Beppu is perhaps the best known onsen destination in Japan, I had no time to try any of their hot spring baths because of my tight schedule, having to return the rental bike to Oita by the same evening.

The wellness adventure begins
Admiring a hot spring in Beppu

Instead, after returning from the 40-kilometer bike tour, covered in sweat and many layers of sunscreen, I thought of skipping the idea of having a shower in my cramped business hotel bathroom and went to the local train station which housed a large department store, a cinema and a hotel with a spa. City Spa Tenku was located high above the street level, with two floors of bathing space, allowing a panoramic view of the city from the upper bath area. Going there really enhanced my experience, helping my body to recover from all the biking and walking I had done that day.

While I was sitting in a pool filled with warm, carbonated water, watching a layer of small bubbles form on my legs, I felt total relaxation after the day spent outdoors under the scorching sun. After standing up and leaving the pool, I gazed over the nightly city through large panoramic windows, completely nude and refreshed.

A well-earned compromise after the rejuvenating spa visit

Having consumed plenty of manga stories and films about organized crime in Japan, I could kind of imagine some yakuza boss to stand at that very same place, a large tattoo in his back, making plans to expand his territory even further – of course, considering the anti-tattoo policy of most spas in Japan, a scene like that would probably not take place in real life. Still, the majesty of the setting really screamed for a camera and a tripod, even though any photography was, for obvious reasons, prohibited in the bathing area.

Considering all the exercise I got during the day, I felt that one cold beer at the spa bar would be just what I needed after washing and getting dressed up.

So, after that game-changing spa experience, I would now proudly and without any doubt categorize myself as a secondary wellness traveler.

*Disclaimer: This blog post was produced without any sponsorship or financial support from City Spa Tenku*

Text and photos: Olli Riihimäki, third year International Tourism Management student

Using the sea to clear your mind

Have you ever wondered why it feels relaxing to go and have a walk on the beach or what is so spiritual about being alone in or on the sea?

From walking next to the famous canals of Amsterdam, to swimming in the sea and being on a cruise, blue spaces work really calming for me. As a person that has always lived near beautiful beaches and the sea, I have huge interest for blue spaces. I have always been attracted to coastal destinations and the mental impacts that sea has us to offer.

When I had the opportunity of studying the course Well-being from Blue spaces, I could not let this opportunity pass. To learn more about Blue Spaces would help me develop a lot and would give me possibilities for a future profession.

The presence of a person to water, especially the sea, is related with many positive impacts of physical and mental wellbeing, from higher levels of vitamin D to better social connections. Therefore, living near blue spaces, visiting them, or even enjoying the view has a positive effect on a human.

I think there should be more focus on ways to relieve mental stress in the future. With our world becoming busier with the day, mobile phones being an absolute must, people should be encouraged to let go of everything, and enjoy the beautiful nature. It will have a positive impact both physically and mentally.

Text: Sander Keulemans, exchange student from HZ University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands

Wellness tourism after the pandemic

During our online course Well-being from Blue Spaces, we got to learn about the concept of blue gym, how coastal and maritime areas can be used in well-being, and the history behind it. We also had an assignment where we got to plan a seafood tour in our home region. What I found the most interesting was the wellness tourism industry and how fast it has been growing for the past years.

Wellness as a general trend has been gaining popularity over the past years. It can be seen in many aspects all around us. From green juice bars in the malls to the many fitness trends that come and go. Shops providing a bigger variety of healthier food options and people making healthier choices, like cutting the usage of alcohol and sugar. This trend has naturally affected the tourism industry as well. Between the years 2015 and 2017 wellness tourism grew 6,5%. That is very significant growth when considered that regular tourism grew only 3,2% in the same time frame. (Global Wellness Institute 2018, 20.)

We live in very uncertain times. With the ongoing pandemic no one really knows the effects it will have on the tourism industry. We can only speculate and make guesses what tourism in the post-pandemic world will look like, how it will affect the trends, and what are the long-term effects that come from it. Industry specialist and researchers have made their predictions and even those have changed as the pandemic has prolonged the bans on traveling. Of course, there are no wrong or right answers really since this is very new territory for all of us. But it is fun to play with the idea and think about the future and how it will look.

Many industry specialists think that there is a very big possibility that the pandemic will make wellness tourism grow at a faster rate than now. Personally, I think that is a very possible outcome. Seeing how people are already interested in their wellbeing and health this pandemic can have the effect that it will get more heightened. The COVID-19 virus has posed a threat to everyone’s health and people may want to take a more proactive and preventative approach after the pandemic is over.

The past year has been hard on everyone. From self-isolation and quarantines, losing loved ones, the additional stress the pandemic has caused to the financial duress. We have seen and felt a lot and it has not been easy on anyone’s mental health. People will probably desire to take a vacation where they can solely focus on their mental well-being. So, I think that it is very possible that various yoga, ashram, meditation, and mindfulness retreats will get very popular.

Tourists may be keener to choose destinations and places where a healthy lifestyle is promoted or easy to keep up. Many people have started to pay more attention to their health during the pandemic. Following a new specific diet or fitness plan, they may want to keep that going even during their travel so places that offer facilities and services that cater to these needs may get an influx of customers.

The Wellness Tourism Association conducted a survey in the summer of 2020 asking about consumers’ travel plans after the pandemic. Over 4000 people answered from 48 countries. They found that 78% of the people had planned to partake in wellness tourism after the pandemic. In the end, as to how much the wellness tourism industry will grow no one knows yet and only time will tell.

Text: Milla Ruonala, third year International Tourism Management student
Photos: Pixabay


Global Wellness Institute. 2018. Global Wellness Tourism Economy.

Wellnesss Tourism Association. 2020. Nearly 4,000 consumers reveal Wellness Vacation Motivations for Post-Pandemic Travel.