Gaining knowledge from industry experts

As an international tourism student, I got the opportunity to participate in lectures by visiting lecturers, who are experts in the hotel and coffee industry through the Culinary Experiences course. Mr. Janne Larisuo, who has many years of experience in the hotel industry, shared with us his experiences at Yyteri Spa & Hotel and the challenges in the hotel industry. In addition, I was able to participate the Mr. Jani Wahlman’s lecture, who is an expert in the coffee industry. By participating in this lecture, I was able to get rid of the wrong image I had in my mind about coffee.

Strategic marketing in Yyteri Spa & Hotel and understanding the significance of the target group awareness in restaurant operations

Yyteri Spa & Hotel is a famous hotel in Finland. It offers a unique blend of hospitality services. The Yyteri Spa & Hotel is in the Satakunta region, and it is surrounded by the sea. It is a very popular 4-star hotel and there are 115 rooms. One of their goals is to increase the number of rooms and make their name a brand in Finland in the hotel industry.

One of the important and interesting points for me in his lecture was “why we should be aware of the target group in restaurant operations.” As Mr. Janne Larisuo stated in the lecture, to be successful the business must be aware of the target group. Accordingly, they have identified families, couples, groups, events, B2B customers, and subsidized guests as their target group. They expect many customers in the summer season.

Moreover, to be aware of the target group in restaurant operations, and by identifying large customer groups, it is possible to meet the needs of those customers easily. Also, by identifying target groups, targeted strategies can be implemented. For that, the behaviour and preferences of the groups should be known. In addition, the restaurant can be arranged and decorated attractively by knowing the target group in advance. Due to that customers will be happy and will be able to win their attention to the business. Through that, it is possible to get high responses from customers and it also leads to customer retention. As a result, it is easy to manage the restaurant staff and the company can work to minimize waste. Also, waste management contributes to the sustainability and profitability of the business.

How my perspective on coffee evolved: From bitter brew to beloved ritual

I remember that I was a person who did not like drinking coffee since my childhood. But I am happy after attending Mr. Jani Wahlman’s lecture, because my perspective changed completely. I had identified coffee as a very bitter tasting drink, but the reason for that was due to some mistakes I made in making coffee.

I learned at the beginning of the lecture how to add the right amount of water to coffee. Because it was said that it is a major part that should be paid attention to and when he said that the way of adding water has a great effect on the taste and quality of coffee, I was able to identify the first mistake I made when making coffee. Moreover, he also told us how to use clean pots, that there are bad coffee beans, and how freshness affects the taste. Before, I did not know that the grinder process affects the taste of coffee. Accordingly, it became clear to me that my previous attempts at making coffee were not successful.

In addition, people all over the world are very fond of drinking coffee and I got to know from this lecture that the people of Finland, where I currently live, are also very fond of drinking coffee. Also, he said that the nutrients in coffee bring fresh energy to the body, and I got to know why the coffee I had made before had lost its taste. However, when I listened to the lecture, I became interested in drinking coffee again. Also, while he answered the questions asked by the students, he said that the “Geisha “is the best coffee brand and it has an unusual taste. I came to know that for the first time. I am impatient to taste it at the Geisha coffee brand.

Accordingly, the guest lecture completely changed my misunderstood thoughts about coffee, and it is just a useful drink for me and my family. I used the knowledge gained from the lecture to make coffee, and I was able to drink coffee very deliciously by making coffee in the right way, and now I am enjoying to drinking coffee thrice per day. Due to that, I should be thankful for this lecture because when I’m drinking coffee, I feel that my body is getting energy and is not lethargic, and this knowledge gained made me experience the flavours of the coffee brands.

In conclusion by participating in such expert lectures, my knowledge was nourished and as a tourism student my goal is to become a hotel manager. Due to that I can believe that I can effectively use the knowledge gained from these lectures for my future career. Therefore, I would like to thank the lecturers Mr. Janne Larisuo and Mr. Jani Wahlman, and teacher Heini Korvenkangas who gave me this opportunity.

Text and pictures: Imalka Wathudura, first year International Tourism Management student

A childhood memory: Coffee and family time

It was a pleasure listening to our visiting lecturer Mr. Jani Wahlman’s illustrative speech about the world’s most wonderful and popular beverage, coffee, and how much it does make an impact on human life.  It was very relevant and inspired me to pen these words.

Coffee is a beverage brewed from the roasted and ground seeds of the tropical evergreen coffee plant.  Coffee is one of the three most popular beverages in the world (alongside water and tea), and it is one of the most profitable international commodities (Myhrvold, 2024).

“Most of us have fond memories of food from our childhood.  Whether it was our mom’s homemade lasagne or a memorable chocolate birthday cake, food has a way of transporting us back to the past”. – Homaro Cantu (Henry, 2024)

I remember fondly, the way our grandmas treated coffee (kopi) making at home for domestic use.  We had about 10 coffee plants in our backyard, well-grown, which used to produce healthy fruits during the season.  From white flowering, turning into the fruit in darker green, and slowly transforming the colour to yellowish orange and finally to the darkest red,  giving the indication that it was ready for harvesting. 

As children, we all joined the process of tasting the ripped fruits, harvesting and cleaning.  Sun drying was the drying process, and it was our job to protect the fruits from rain, birds and other animals who too got attracted to this wonderful fruit.  Then only the frying and pounding would take place for final consumption and this used to happen in almost every household in my area. 

It was a beautiful memory that I went through during the lecture on coffee.  I still can remember the aroma of freshly brewed coffee we used to have in the mornings and evenings with a piece of aluwa (a Sri Lankan traditional sweet). I have realized how far I have come from that culture after I have moved to Finland, to walk to a supermarket to buy a packet of coffee, or to a coffee house to taste a cup of luxurious style cup of coffee, while tasting a lovely cinnamon swirl pound piece of cake.              

The lecture was a revelation and drove me to rethink how important coffee is as a beverage to the world and to the economies, how it has become an important part of human life, mostly as a dominant beverage or as a booster to an energetic day.

In addition to its economic significance, coffee cultures hold a significant place in the world as they all have a story to tell about rich histories and cultures (Malltong Pty Ltd, 2023).  Gahwa, Arabic Coffee, is a symbol of generosity, and serving it, comes as a ritual.  Most of the Arabic houses have specific settings in front of their houses with beautiful and colourful interiors to sit and taste coffee in the evening with plates full of sweets and dates, while chitchatting and listening to music, which is a must in their day-to-day schedule. 

I think I now admire this wonderful beverage way more than earlier, as it creates beautiful memories to cherish in human life than any other irrespective of how old you are and among whom.  Coffee is magical because it smells good and tastes great! 

Text and pictures: Anupama De Silva, second year student of International Tourism Management


Henry, P. (2024). Quotes About Childhood To Reflect On. Betterhelp.
Malltong Pty Ltd. (2023). The history and cultural significance of coffee. Lygon Coffee.
Myhrvold, N. (2024). Coffee. Britannica.

Learning from the industry experts

As part of our Culinary Experiences course, I had the privilege of listening to two guest lectures by two experts in the field. Janne Larisuo, Hotel Manager of Yyteri Hotel & Spa, shared with us the journey of revitalizing Yyteri Hotel to what it is today with his combination of insight and great experience in the face of various challenges.

Moreover, coffee expert Jani Wahlman took coffee to an unknown dimension by leading an enchanting exploration. I offer my heartfelt thanks to both Janne and Jani for nurturing us with knowledge!

A journey with Janne Larisuo

Yyteri Hotel & Spa, which has been in operation for more than 50 years, is situated in a quiet natural setting on a stunning beach in the Satakunta region of Finland, approximately 18 kilometres from the city of Pori.

A new chapter in 2017 was opened by Janne Larisuo, who unfolded the story of the revival of the Yyteri Hotel in his lecture given to us in January 2024.

Yyteri Spa Hotel

Janne said the arduous journey of ongoing reforms was delayed by the unexpected shadow casted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Under Janne’s stewardship, the hotel has expanded to a total of hundred fifteen rooms by adding two new suites with modern facilities. It appears that this is a tourist’s paradise during summer. I listened with interest as he presented the progress of his business. ”My goal is to increase the revenue and to increase the number of rooms,” Janne stated.

Obviously, we all know that places like Lapland and Helsinki are considered top tourist destinations in Finland. However, Janne described the profile of customers visiting his hotel as follows: ”Yyteri Beach is one of Finland’s most attractive beaches, but it’s remarkable that more than ninety percent of our potential guests are from within a three-hour drive.”

In addition, Yyteri’s consumer segments were presented and accordingly there were four main consumer segments. Clients span a wide range from business clients, couples, subsidized vacationers, and loving families.

Restaurant services at the Yyteri resort

Janne revealed that Yyteri’s main source of income lies in its culinary talent. ”Food and beverages contribute fifty percent to annual revenue, making it the base of our revenue stream” he stressed. Yyteri has two restaurants within the Yyteri Hotel, a beach restaurant called Helmi during the summer, and many facilities including a gym, spa, and sauna. Accordingly, it is clear that Yyteri has reached an important milestone in the tourism industry, while celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2024.

Being aware of the target groups in restaurant operations helps in the success of the business. By understanding the different levels of customers, their preferences, and the services they expect to receive, they are able to provide superior service. Every aspect of the dining experience must be aligned with the expectations of target customers, such as tailoring menus to suit different demographics, setting up the restaurant premises, and making necessary purchases. Because it not only increases the income and profit compared to the operating cost of the restaurant, but also reduces unnecessary waste and runs a sustainable business. Ultimately, being aware of target groups can increase customer satisfaction, foster loyalty, develop long-term relationships, and provide memorable services to customers.

Discovering the world of coffee with an expert

Reflecting on Jani Wahlman’s fascinating lecture on coffee, I began to note down thoughts about it. I feel like I am drowning in an ocean of coffee with the rich aromas and delicious flavours that truly exist in coffee.

Although I am not much of a coffee lover, Jani’s presentation was a great opportunity to add to the book my knowledge of the art and facts of making the perfect and quality cup of coffee. It is a great opportunity to explore the facts about coffee while experiencing the world’s largest coffee-drinking country. Join me on a coffee quest!

While making the perfect cup of coffee requires the right proportions of coffee powder, the amount of water and the cleanliness of the equipment, everything contributes to the final flavour profile. Jani’s extensive knowledge and experience with coffee lead to a proper understanding of this process.

Among the world’s most popular coffees, Jamaica’s Blue Mountain coffee stands out among quality brands. I never knew there was such a wide range of coffees. However, I was surprised when Jani explained it. His presentation made me realize that the world of coffee is truly diverse and rich in complexity. There are over 50 varieties, including Arabica and Robusta as the original varieties, and many sub-varieties such as Gesha, Typica and Bourbon. There is a curiosity to know what the flavours of all these are.

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee. Picture:

The methods of making coffee are also very complex. Sometimes I think it is not as easy as drinking tea. Pouring methods have gone beyond traditional methods to French press, modern machine brewing methods. Meanwhile, coffee lovers can enjoy an ocean of different flavours and aromas. Not only sweet, bitter, salty, sour flavours, but also fruity, spicy, floral, nutty, and chocolate-like aromas provide a wonderful experience.

However, amidst all the praise for coffee, it must be remembered about its consequences. Jani explained it by adding an experience he had. ”One day I drank a lot of coffee all at once to test myself. I felt my heartbeat faster” he said. Since coffee is a highly caffeinated beverage, those seeking a good night’s sleep would like to fondly remember that they should not drink coffee close to bedtime.

Broadening my mindset on coffee

Jani Wahlman’s guest lecture significantly changed my vague picture of coffee. I really do not like coffee very much. But now I have an interest in trying different flavours of coffee. I gained some insight into the factors that go into making a good cup of coffee. Jani’s exploration of the diverse range of coffee producing countries expanded my knowledge of the global reach and impact of coffee cultivation. Also, introducing the different flavours and aromas of coffee broadened my enjoyment. I did not know that caffeinated beverages can make the heart beat faster and I also learned how to maintain good health while consuming beverages like coffee.

In conclusion, encounters with guest speakers like Janne Larisuo and Jani Wahlman as real-world experts not only foster industry-specific knowledge but also lead to curiosity for a deeper study of the hospitality and culinary industries by sharing their experiences. By sharing their expertise, these guest lectures bridge the knowledge gap between theoretical and practical in our learning journey.

Text: Dona Sameera Welivita, first year International Tourism Management student