Learning from the industry experts

As part of our Culinary Experiences course, I had the privilege of listening to two guest lectures by two experts in the field. Janne Larisuo, Hotel Manager of Yyteri Hotel & Spa, shared with us the journey of revitalizing Yyteri Hotel to what it is today with his combination of insight and great experience in the face of various challenges.

Moreover, coffee expert Jani Wahlman took coffee to an unknown dimension by leading an enchanting exploration. I offer my heartfelt thanks to both Janne and Jani for nurturing us with knowledge!

A journey with Janne Larisuo

Yyteri Hotel & Spa, which has been in operation for more than 50 years, is situated in a quiet natural setting on a stunning beach in the Satakunta region of Finland, approximately 18 kilometres from the city of Pori.

A new chapter in 2017 was opened by Janne Larisuo, who unfolded the story of the revival of the Yyteri Hotel in his lecture given to us in January 2024.

Yyteri Spa Hotel

Janne said the arduous journey of ongoing reforms was delayed by the unexpected shadow casted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Under Janne’s stewardship, the hotel has expanded to a total of hundred fifteen rooms by adding two new suites with modern facilities. It appears that this is a tourist’s paradise during summer. I listened with interest as he presented the progress of his business. ”My goal is to increase the revenue and to increase the number of rooms,” Janne stated.

Obviously, we all know that places like Lapland and Helsinki are considered top tourist destinations in Finland. However, Janne described the profile of customers visiting his hotel as follows: ”Yyteri Beach is one of Finland’s most attractive beaches, but it’s remarkable that more than ninety percent of our potential guests are from within a three-hour drive.”

In addition, Yyteri’s consumer segments were presented and accordingly there were four main consumer segments. Clients span a wide range from business clients, couples, subsidized vacationers, and loving families.

Restaurant services at the Yyteri resort

Janne revealed that Yyteri’s main source of income lies in its culinary talent. ”Food and beverages contribute fifty percent to annual revenue, making it the base of our revenue stream” he stressed. Yyteri has two restaurants within the Yyteri Hotel, a beach restaurant called Helmi during the summer, and many facilities including a gym, spa, and sauna. Accordingly, it is clear that Yyteri has reached an important milestone in the tourism industry, while celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2024.

Being aware of the target groups in restaurant operations helps in the success of the business. By understanding the different levels of customers, their preferences, and the services they expect to receive, they are able to provide superior service. Every aspect of the dining experience must be aligned with the expectations of target customers, such as tailoring menus to suit different demographics, setting up the restaurant premises, and making necessary purchases. Because it not only increases the income and profit compared to the operating cost of the restaurant, but also reduces unnecessary waste and runs a sustainable business. Ultimately, being aware of target groups can increase customer satisfaction, foster loyalty, develop long-term relationships, and provide memorable services to customers.

Discovering the world of coffee with an expert

Reflecting on Jani Wahlman’s fascinating lecture on coffee, I began to note down thoughts about it. I feel like I am drowning in an ocean of coffee with the rich aromas and delicious flavours that truly exist in coffee.

Although I am not much of a coffee lover, Jani’s presentation was a great opportunity to add to the book my knowledge of the art and facts of making the perfect and quality cup of coffee. It is a great opportunity to explore the facts about coffee while experiencing the world’s largest coffee-drinking country. Join me on a coffee quest!

While making the perfect cup of coffee requires the right proportions of coffee powder, the amount of water and the cleanliness of the equipment, everything contributes to the final flavour profile. Jani’s extensive knowledge and experience with coffee lead to a proper understanding of this process.

Among the world’s most popular coffees, Jamaica’s Blue Mountain coffee stands out among quality brands. I never knew there was such a wide range of coffees. However, I was surprised when Jani explained it. His presentation made me realize that the world of coffee is truly diverse and rich in complexity. There are over 50 varieties, including Arabica and Robusta as the original varieties, and many sub-varieties such as Gesha, Typica and Bourbon. There is a curiosity to know what the flavours of all these are.

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee. Picture: https://www.beaches.com/blog/jamaica-travel-tips-dos-donts/

The methods of making coffee are also very complex. Sometimes I think it is not as easy as drinking tea. Pouring methods have gone beyond traditional methods to French press, modern machine brewing methods. Meanwhile, coffee lovers can enjoy an ocean of different flavours and aromas. Not only sweet, bitter, salty, sour flavours, but also fruity, spicy, floral, nutty, and chocolate-like aromas provide a wonderful experience.

However, amidst all the praise for coffee, it must be remembered about its consequences. Jani explained it by adding an experience he had. ”One day I drank a lot of coffee all at once to test myself. I felt my heartbeat faster” he said. Since coffee is a highly caffeinated beverage, those seeking a good night’s sleep would like to fondly remember that they should not drink coffee close to bedtime.

Broadening my mindset on coffee

Jani Wahlman’s guest lecture significantly changed my vague picture of coffee. I really do not like coffee very much. But now I have an interest in trying different flavours of coffee. I gained some insight into the factors that go into making a good cup of coffee. Jani’s exploration of the diverse range of coffee producing countries expanded my knowledge of the global reach and impact of coffee cultivation. Also, introducing the different flavours and aromas of coffee broadened my enjoyment. I did not know that caffeinated beverages can make the heart beat faster and I also learned how to maintain good health while consuming beverages like coffee.

In conclusion, encounters with guest speakers like Janne Larisuo and Jani Wahlman as real-world experts not only foster industry-specific knowledge but also lead to curiosity for a deeper study of the hospitality and culinary industries by sharing their experiences. By sharing their expertise, these guest lectures bridge the knowledge gap between theoretical and practical in our learning journey.

Text: Dona Sameera Welivita, first year International Tourism Management student

Why I chose Finland as my exchange destination

I never imagined I would get to live in Finland for a while. But life gave me the opportunity and I feel very lucky. “Why Finland?”, many people asked me when they knew I was coming to study here and I always answered with ”it’s very different from what I’m used to” (and also because I love Christmas and we all know it’s Santa’s country). And yes, it was different from what I imagined!

My arrival was a bit catastrophic (we can sum it up in delayed flights and missed trains), but I didn’t know all the good things that were waiting for me to experience. I started meeting people from all over the world, learning about Finnish culture, exploring the corners of Pori, visiting other cities… And the more things I did, the more I became attached to this country.

I have to admit that when I arrived, the language seemed very different and fun (spoiler: it still does), but that curiosity is what motivated me to learn what little I know, although I hope to learn a lot more. In this semester, I have learned so many new things.

Leaving my comfort zone and moving to a place where everything is different is very enriching, even being away from my loved ones, although there are days when I am more nostalgic and perhaps sad for not sharing moments with them, I realise what a treasure I have because I know that they are always there despite the distance. Besides, I have created another family with the people I have met here.

The university and the study method used was another of the things that surprised me the most. The companionship, the support and trust between students and teachers, the way the syllabus is explained, among many other things, I think is brilliant. SAMK University is very good and it is an honour for me to be studying here.

One of the things that stands out from this semester is that I was able to fulfil one of my dreams: to meet Santa and visit Lapland. The excitement and joy I had during the whole trip is inexplicable. I was a little girl again. When I met Santa I brought him the first Christmas letter that my 2 year old niece had ever made, so it was a very emotional moment for me.

I had never seen it snow the way it snowed in Lapland, it was magical. Also, I saw the reindeer for the first time and tried the Finnish experience of going to the sauna, jumping in the snow and coming back to the sauna, and it is a painful but amazing feeling at the same time. I had hoped to see the Northern Lights, but it was not to be. I hope to see them one day and cross it off my wish list.

I still have another semester left (the coldest, by the way), so the anecdotes and new experiences do not end here, but it is true that the first half of my stay here is coming to an end. I hope that this country will continue to give me other experiences and memories. And if you ask me now ”Why Finland?”, I will answer: ”Because it is a very different country to what I am used to, and because it is a country that gives you very good moments and a great learning experience, and because I also love Christmas and Santa”. That’s why I chose Finland.

Kiitos, Finland!

Text: Ines-Marina Pinero-Landaeta, exchange student from Universidad de la Laguna
Pictures: Pixabay

Matkailun parhaat palat: kulttuuri, ihmiset ja matka itsessään


Minusta parasta matkailussa on kulttuurierot. En ole ehtinyt elämäni aikana paljon harrastamaan vapaa-ajan matkaamista, mutta olen käynyt jonkin verran ulkomailla vanhan harrastukseni puolesta. Kisareissujen aikana varsinkin näki isoimpia eroja maiden välillä, kun ei valittu kaikista kalleinta hotellia aivan pääkaupungin keskustasta, vaan otettiin ”kohtalainen” hotelli ja vähän pienempien kaupunkien reunoilta.

Eroja huomasi myös esimerkiksi ruoassa, kun kisamatkoilla hotellit tai kisapaikat tarjosivat aina kisapäivän lounaan sekä päivällisen. Tšekissä ollessa hotelli tarjosi päivälliseksi keittoa, jossa oli riisiä ja herneitä, kun taas Portugalissa oli joka päivä erilaisia pastoja ja jotain lihaa.

Alankomaissa kannabiksen polton ollessa laillista, on siellä suomalaisena aika outoa kulkea kadulla, kun näkee turistien sekä paikallisten nauttivan kyseistä ainetta keskellä kirkasta päivää.

Ruoka eri maissa maistuu aina paljon paremmalle kuin Suomessa, voi tietenkin olla, että ruoka on aina parempaa pitkien päivien jälkeen.

Kulttuurista oppiminen on ollut aina iso osa erilaisia reissuja minulle ja innolla odotankin jo seuraavaa matkaa.


Uusiin ihmisiin tutustuminen erilaisilla reissuilla on aina pakollinen ”suoritettava tehtävä” itselleni. Uusien ihmisten avulla voi myös oppia eri maiden kulttuurista. Parasta on, jos tutustuu kyseisen maan asukkaaseen, sillä hän voi toimia oppaana ja kertoa miten maassa kuuluu toimia hyvien tapojen mukaan. Ulkomailla ihmiset ottavat oman kokemuksen mukaan suomalaiset hyvillä mielin ystäväksi ja suurin osa porukasta on aina hyvin positiivisia.

Matka kohteeseen

Matkustus on aina rankkaa, mutta saapuminen kohteeseen palkitsee. Hotellilla lepääminen on rentouttavampaa kuin kotona lepääminen, koska tietää, että ei ole velvollisuuksia. Matkustaminen on hienoa, kun koko matkan ajan näkee erilaisia maisemia ja ehkä jopa nähtävyyksiä. Matkustusvälineellä ei ole väliä – lentokoneessa voi nähdä kaupunkien valoja ja vuoria, junassa kaupunkeja, metsiä ja järviä, linja-autoissa voi nähdä käytännössä mitä vaan. Matkustaessa voi myös saada uusia tuttavuuksia ja matkan aikana voi kysellä mihin muut ovat matkalla.

Matkallani Kroatiaan näimme paljon erilaista luontoa ja yllätyin siitä kuinka paljon vesistöissä oli merisiilejä.

Teksti ja kuvat: Ella Mäntynen, ensimmäisen vuoden Matkailuliiketoiminnan opiskelija

Vaihdossa Costa Ricassa

Paras matkamuistoni on ehdottomasti vaihtoreissu Costa Ricalle. Lähdin sinne syyskuussa 2022 syyslukukauden ajaksi. Pääsin kokemaan muun muassa surffailun huumaa, tutustumaan paikallisiin riippusiltakansanpuistoihin ja näkemään upeita maisemia, kuten auringonlaskuja ja -nousuja sekä vesiputouksia, uusien kavereiden saamista unohtamatta. Espanjankielen taitoni kehittyivät myös huimasti näiden muutaman kuukauden aikana.

Olen itse adoptoitu Kolumbiasta ja kohteeseen saapuessani kävi ilmi, että myös isäntäperheeni jäsenet olivat kolumbialaisia! Alkuun tuli yllätyksenä, että he eivät osanneetkaan englantia lähes ollenkaan, mutta alkukankeuden jälkeen päivittäinen espanjaksi puhuminen alkoi sujumaan.

Perheeni tuli myös Suomesta vierailulle siellä ollessani, ja lähdimme yhdessä elämäni kolmatta kertaa Kolumbiaan viikonloppuvisiitille. Kolumbiaan paluu tuntuu aina jollain tapaa kuin olisi palannut kotiin.

Suosittelen lämpimästi vaihtoon lähtöä ihan jokaiselle jos vähänkään tuntuu siltä! Itse lähdin yksin, sillä en halunnut lähteä ulkomaille vaihtoon puhumaan suomea suomalaisten kaverien kanssa. Olen iloinen tästä päätöksestä, sillä koen, että sain koko reissusta enemmän irti, kun ei ollut tuttuja kavereita, joihin tukeutua. Kv-vaihto oli heittämällä elämäni yksi parhaimpia kokemuksia!

Teksti: Elsa Helasmo, Matkailuliiketoiminnan opiskelija
Kuvat: Pixabay

My Erasmus experience in Pori

Hello everyone, my name is Luis, I am 21 years old and I am from the Canary Islands. There I study Tourism, and in my last year I decided to do an Erasmus semester to complete my career and have a better training. Among the possible options, I decided to go to Finland.

At first everyone told me that I would die of cold there but I was brave and I went to discover a new culture and to live new experiences. The trip from the Canary Islands to Helsinki was a bit tiring and exhausting, but as soon as I arrived, I met my first friend Clara, and together we shared the hassle of catching the right trains to Pori.

Once in our destination city, we arrived at our residence and saw the rooms that would be our homes for the next 4 months. The next day was the first day of University and we met the rest of our classmates and tutors who would be the main protagonists in making this stage so beautiful and unforgettable.

After the orientation week, the group gained confidence and we started to become a team. Here the fun began because from that day until the end we have not stopped making plans, among which were hiking in search of aurora borealis, and berry picking, barbecues, playing soccer (usually French against Spanish), going to see ice hockey games and of course partying. It is true that alcohol here is more expensive than in our home countries, but we always managed to get drunk.

As for classes, SAMK is awesome, honestly the best I have ever been to. I like the educational system better than in Spain, since here they focus more on learning day by day and doing work to understand the contents than on filling our agenda with exams. Also, we have had very empathetic and understanding teachers and classmates.

Personally I have visited Tampere, Helsinki, Rauma, Lapland (where I had the opportunity to meet Santa Claus) and even made a trip to Norway. All of them beautiful and charming places, although, yes, they are all very cold when winter comes, so you have to have your jacket ready.

 I think my Erasmus experience is the best decision I have made so far. From day one I have met amazing people that I feel will be friends for life. Now that I am only days away from returning to Spain, and although I want to see my family and friends, I am a little sad to leave behind everything I have built in Pori. However, I know that I will come back in the future and relive moments and experiences, as well as see again the great family I leave here.

It’s not goodbye Pori, it’s see you soon!

Text and pictures: Luis Orejas Delgado, an Erasmus exchange student from Universidad de la Laguna

The Endless Allure of Travel Alongside Friends

There’s something undeniably fun and exciting about the idea of packing your bags and setting off for a well-planned holiday especially when it’s one, that you get to go on with your friends. It can be a set of experiences to help strengthen bonds and make new stories together. Travelling alongside friends is like setting off on an adventure with your chosen family. Sharing every moment together from the hits of turbulence on the flight to the evenings spent enjoying a delicious meal at a restaurant that you ended up picking together.

The joys of group travel

One of the biggest and greatest joys of travelling with friends is the number of memories you can create with them. Peculiar encounters, mishaps, heart-to-heart conversations after a night out, all these get engraved into our memories, helping create those lifelong bonds. Personally, my closest and dearest memories have all been created during trips with friends.

Besides making memories, friends offer a sense of diversity to trips. With varying interests and passions, doors for trying new things and activities open up. For example, trying new cuisines or going to multiple different museums to cater to everyone’s interests.

As someone who enjoys planning and prefers organized trips over spontaneous ones, friends also offer a set of helpful hands to assist with planning. That being said, it’s not always help that they offer. Having more minds working on planning might cause disagreements and different opinions on every aspect of the plan, but part of the fun and challenge is to overcome those mishaps and enjoy a lovely trip together.

Lasting memories

To showcase my adventures, I’ll use my trip to trip to the Netherlands as an example. We set off, with a group of ten people! Stayed in Amsterdam for four days, enjoying nights out, good food and fun activities. This was the first time some of us met in person. Undoubtedly, some of my dearest memories are from this time. The warm summer days spent at a lake in a park to the evenings spent chatting at a bar. This trip of course wasn’t without its challenges and mishaps, but they’re such minor parts of a great experience. I often look back at the pictures and get reminded of the fantastic time spent abroad.

Travelling alongside friends is so much more than just a journey from point A to point B; it’s an adventure to strengthen the bonds between you and your friends. While traveling together you create memories and weave your friendship to a much deeper level.

These experiences can help paint the canvas of your friendship and add hints of vibrancy to showcase all you’ve done and explored together. So I’d suggest grabbing a group of friends, get some planning done and go explore the world together!

Pictures and text:  Sara Puustinen, first year International Tourism Management student

Fuerteventura – kirosana vai ei?

Ystäväni tuleva puoliso soittaa minulle lokakuun alussa 2015 ja kysyy yllättävän kysymyksen. ”Haluaisin että lähdet Sallin (nimi keksitty) kanssa polttarimatkalle ulkomaille kuukauden päästä. Minä maksan tietenkin lennot ja majoituksen, onnistuuko?

”HELL YEAH!” Vastasin heti. Ei muuta kuin esimiehelle soitto ja matka oli sovittu. Ystäväni ei tietenkään tiennyt tästä mitään aiemmin kuin päivää ennen reissuun lähtöä. Matkakohdekin – Fuerteventura – selvisi hänelle vasta kentällä.

Väärä mielikuva

Kun itse kuulin reissukohteen olevan Fuerteventura, Kanariansaarista vanhin ja toiseksi suurin, kauhistuin. En ollut ikinä käynyt millään Kanariansaarista ja mielikuvani pitkin katuja kiemurteleviin suomituristien jonoihin ja huonosti käyttäytyvien englantilaisten ärjymiseen perustui huhupuheisiin ja tositv-ohjelmien sisältöön.

Onneksi sain kokea mielikuvani kohteesta vääriksi. Viikko Fuerteventurassa kului monipuolisesti mm. saaren vuoristoreittejä ajaen, kauppakeskuksien kauppoja kierrellen, saaren hiekkarantoja kävellen ja erilaisista ravintolakokemuksista nauttien.

Erilaiset matkailumieltymykset

Reissuparini Salli on matkaajana hyvin erilainen kuin minä. Hän oli mielellään hotellin altaalla paistattelemassa päivää, kun minä taas mielelläni liikun luonnossa ja urheilen. Saimme sovitettua hyvin erilaiset matkustuspersoonat yhteen esim. sillä, että lähdin aamulla auringon nousun aikaan kipuamaan hotelliltamme lähtevää vuoristopolkua pitkin ylös ja tein pitkän lenkin lähiympäristöä tutkien. Näimme sitten kaverini kanssa hänen herättyään aamupalalla, jonka jälkeen menimme hetkeksi yhdessä hotellin altaalle makoilemaan, minä lähinnä päiväunet mielessä.

Kaiken kaikkiaan Fuerteventura oli positiivinen kokemus. Luonto oli vaihteleva ja kaunis, ilmat olivat meidän puolella ja ihmiset ystävällisiä. Turisteja ei ollut liikaa marraskuun alkupuolella, joka on itselleni tärkeä kriteeri matkaillessani. En halua väkijoukkoihin. En muista näin kahdeksan vuoden jälkeen mitään huonoa reissusta – lähtisin kyllä uudestaan, ellei listalla olisi kasa käymättömiä ja tutkimattomia reissukohteita!

Teksti ja kuvat: Johanna Itälaakso, ensimmäisen vuoden Matkailuliiketoiminnan opiskelija

Nelli Kantola teki opinnäytetyönään asiakastyytyväisyystutkimuksen

Ennen opinnäytetyöprosessia luulin omaavani jo laajan käsityksen asiakastyytyväisyydestä. Olen aina työskennellyt palvelualalla, joten luulin tietäväni mitä hyvä asiakaspalvelu on. Opinnäytetyöprosessin aikana käsitykseni kuitenkin laajeni huomattavasti.

Asiakastyytyväisyys ei koostukkaan pelkästä hyvästä palvelusta vaan monista pienistä asioista, joita itse asiakaskaan ei välttämättä osaa ajatella. Tähän kokonaisuuteen kuuluu esimerkiksi asiakaspolku, asiakaskokemus sekä kokemusympäristö. Tyytyväinen asiakas siis syntyy asiakkaan näkökulmasta tarkkaan mietitystä palvelukokonaisuudesta. Palvelukokonaisuus vuorostaan käsittää kaiken siitä hetkestä lähtien kun asiakas kuulee yrityksestä ensimmäisen kerran, aina siihen asti kun asiakas on kuluttanut yrityksen tarjoaman palvelun tai tuotteen loppuun – ja vielä sen jälkeenkin.

Tyytyväinen asiakas syntyy onnistuneesta asiakaskokemuksesta. Asiakaskokemus vuorostaan sisältää kaiken mitä asiakas näkee ja tuntee: hajut, maut, äänet ja tuntemukset. Jokainen asiakas saa yrityksestä joka tapauksessa jonkinlaisen asiakaskokemuksen, oli palvelu ja muut asiakaskokemukseen vaikuttavat tekijät sitten hyviä tai huonoja. Huono asiakaskokemus johtaa tietysti tyytymättömiin asiakkaisiin ja hyvä asiakaskokemus tyytyväisiin. Jos jokin asia on erityisen hyvää voi se nostaa koko asiakaskokemuksen tasoa paremmaksi, ja vastaavasti taas jos jokin osa-alue epäonnistuu voi se pilata koko asiakaskokemuksen.

Asiakaskokemukseen vaikuttaa myös kokemusympäristö; esimerkiksi luontomatkailun palveluissa luonto kokemusympäristönä on keskeinen osa asiakaskokemusta. Eräoppaiden retkistä saattaisi uskottavuus kadota, jos ne järjestettäisiin kaupungin puistossa!

Opinnäytetyössäni tutkin asiakkaiden tyytyväsyyttä Koivuniemen Herran farmiin. Farmilla kokemusympäristö on huomioitu hyvinkin tarkasti; teemana on vanha suomalainen maatilan elämä. Teemasta on tehty osa kokemusympäristöä: tilalla soi vanha suomalainen musiikki, työntekijöiden vaatteet ovat vanhanaikaisia renkien sekä piikojen vaatteita ja koristeina on käytetty paljon vanhoja maatilan työvälineitä. Lisäksi yritys vielä sijaitsee oikeasti vanhalla maatilalla.

Asiakaskokemus lähtee syntymään heti asiakkaan ensikosketuksesta yrityksen kanssa. Asiakaspolku voi lähteä käyntiin esimerkiksi markkinoinnin kautta; asiakas näkee yrityksen markkinointimateriaalia joko sosiaalisessa mediassa, televisiossa, lehdessä tai jossakin muussa viestintä kanavassa. Markkinoinnin välityksellä asiakaalle syntyy ennakkokäsitys yrityksestä. Tämän jälkeen asiakas päättää joko ostaa tai olla ostamatta yrityksen tuotteita tai palveluita. Päätöksen tehtyään ostava asiakas etsii todennäköisemmin tietoa yrityksestä verkosta tai kyselee tutuiltaan. Asiakas voi päätyä ostamaan tuotteen esimerkiksi verkkokaupasta, jolloin verkkokaupan käytettävyys vaikuttaa isosti asiakaskokemukseen, tai sitten asiakas päättää lähteä käymään yrityksessä paikan päällä, jolloin asiakaspalvelija on iso vaikuttava tekijä asiakkaan kokemukseen.

Ostettuaan ja käytettyään tuottteen tai palvelun asiakas muodostaa oman mielikuvansa ja tässä vaiheessa ennakkokäsitykset osoittautuvat joko oikeiksi tai vääriksi. Hyvän asiakaskokemuksen saanut asiakas todennäköisesti ostaa yritykseltä uudestaan ja suosittelee yritystä tutuilleen.

”Asiakas ei muista sitä mitä sanoit vaan sen mitä sait heidät tuntemaan” – kirjoittajaa en muista, mutta tämä lause on jäänyt erityisesti mieleeni opinnäytetyöprosessistani. Käsitykseni aiheesta on laajentunut aivan valtavasti ja pyrinkin jatkossa omassa työskentelyssäni miettimään asiakastyytyväisyyttä laajempana käsitteenä kuin pelkästään hyvä asiakaspalvelu. Asiakastyytyväisyydestä on muodostunut itselleni selkeä kokonaisuus, jota jokaisen yrityksen ja jokaisen asiakaspalvelijan tulisi miettiä jatkuvasti.

Teksti: Nelli Kantola, matkailuliiketoiminnan restonomi
Kuvat: Pixabay

Finland as a study and tourism destination

As an Asian, education has always been something bland and boring, but it all changed when I chose Finland as my destination for my bachelor’s degree, and SAMK to be specific.

First, let’s talk about Finland’s education. It is said that Finland is the 8th most educated country in the world so you are guaranteed to have a good education here. Then about SAMK, the school teaching method is very practical, as can be expected from an applied science university. The teachers here is also very passionate, they willing to help you with any question related to your studying, even sometimes about your difficulties in living in a new country. This help me a lot in the beginning when I have no knowledge of the place I’m gonna be in the next 4 years.

Besides that, during my study in the Autumn semester, I have studied a lot (as a tourism student) about marketing and tourism as a definition. In my opinion, this is the foundation knowledge for my study in this major. So the teaching structure here in SAMK is also very good. But after all the most important thing I learned here is the ability to self-study. Since I’m a college student, this is a very important skill to have, it is a requirement for anyone.

I am happy I chose Finland

For a person that loves traveling like me (this is also one major reason why I choose tourism as my major), I am happy that I chose Finland as a place for my study. I had the chance to travel abroad to a foreign country and live here. Finland is a northern country so it does have a lot of northern traits such as the people here or the weather.

During the winter it snows most of the time which is quite enjoyable for me, as a tropical country resident, this is a very new experience for me. I enjoy seeing snow showering – in my opinion, it is one of the most beautiful weather phenomenon!

And about the destination here in Finland, it is sad that I haven’t had the chance to travel to any tourist destination in Finland yet, but I sure know Lapland is very popular in the winter (I would love to go there next year). Oh, and Finland is also famous for having the most beautiful beach in northern Europe, Yyteri, which is also here in Pori where I live!

Text and photos: Duy Le, second year International Tourism Management student

An eye-opening travel experience

I have always been passionate about traveling. My family has always traveled ever since I was a kid, so I think that has had a huge impact on my interest in traveling.

I used to think that traveling was just a way to relax and travel to another country to see the most famous landmarks, but during my early teenage years, I started viewing traveling as a way to learn and meet other people and cultures.

The eye-opener

The first trip that really opened my eyes was the vacation to London when I was 15. My friend and I designed our own trip and it was a huge change to holidays that I was used to doing with my family. It really opened my eyes to a whole new way of enjoying traveling. Obviously, we visited the famous attractions, but we tried to not be the most basic tourist stereotype. For example, we didn’t want to take any guided tour busses and wanted to explore London by walking and “surviving” on our own. Because of that we also got to hang around and play frisbee with the local teenagers.

What I have noticed after that trip is that I remember a lot more of that vacation than some of the most recent trips. The more I travel with my own freedom and with my own will the more memorable the vacation is. As a traveler, I am open-minded and spontaneous which is really contradicting to my day-to-day persona. I am really rational and I like to plan things beforehand but when I’m traveling, I really try to be a freer spirit.

When I was younger, I wanted to always have the most luxurious hotels and eat in the most expensive restaurants and we often did. I truly feel I was close-minded and later I realized how much I have probably missed during those vacations. But I’m glad that at least now I have the ability to experience more in the future.

My future plans

I chose to study tourism because of the passion I have for traveling, but also because of the reason my personality fits this field of study. I always wanted to study law and I applied for it too, but it felt kind of forced and I didn’t think I would want to have it as my professional career.

As a tourism student, I feel that I have more freedom and more opportunities in the future, and the freedom that I lacked in the law field. I don’t stress too much about my career but I do know that I want to travel and socialize with new people!

Text: Vera Karttunen, second year International Tourism Management student
Pictures: Pixabay