Hello everyone, I am Bipana Rana, an international student of International Tourism Management. I love travelling and exploring diverse cultures, so I set out on a delightful trip to Rauma, Finland, to celebrate Christmas with my close friend.
Come explore this charming seaside town with me and uncover the allure of Finnish Christmas!
My bus reached the snow-covered runway in Rauma, and the sight of a blanket of white gave me hope for a classic Finnish Christmas. The town was illuminated by the warm and bright lights of the seasons, and the air was fresh. With sparkling lights and smells of holiday food, my friend’s apartment transformed into a hygge heaven. We sat by the fireside, drinking glögi, a traditional mulled wine, and exchanging tales about our Christmas customs.
Old Rauma looked like a scene from a Christmas card, with its wooden homes dating back centuries. There were candles in the windows and wreaths in each home. It was a winter wonderland with cobblestone streets that beckoned us to walk hand in hand.
My friend and I spent the afternoon making traditional Christmas sweets. Then, we went for a relaxed sauna. A trip to a sauna is necessary for any Finnish Christmas and it was a very peaceful and calming experience.
It was a joy to visit the Rauma Christmas Market. Handmade goods, regional specialties and joyful decorations brimmed from stall to stall. And I discovered beautiful presents for loved ones. We went to the midnight Mass at the church of the Holy Cross on Christmas Eve. It was an incredibly special occasion because of the peaceful, spiritual ambience of the choir and the gentle glow of the candles.
Finally, my Finnish Christmas dream was realized when the warmth of friendship and the bitter cold merged into one unforgettable moment.
Text and pictures: Bipana Rana, a second year International Tourism Management students
As a travel-enthusiastic person, I have travelled a lot in my amazing diverse country, India. I travelled from north to south India to almost all discovered and undiscovered places.
From snow to desert areas my travel list is practically full with lots of unforgettable memories and experiences. While travelling to any destination I will make sure not to disturb nature and try to preserve it.
My motivation for tourism
For me, travel is not just about reaching a destination but about the journey itself. As a traveller, my legs never stop for any particular destination and just like my extra active legs my camera also never stops for clicking mesmerizing pictures.
And for me, I think photography motivates me to travel because I am excellent at clicking pictures which can get millions of likes on social media. And as I have good taste in photography my taste buds also have amazing taste in food, just because I like spicy as well as sweet cuisine, food also motivates me to travel! It looks strange but I can happily pay hundreds of euros for the opportunity to taste new dishes. The way magnets attract metals, food attracts me in the form of travelling. These are my chief motivations for travelling.
Most important journey of my life
One of my most significant journeys or adventures was moving to Finland – a journey of student life and an adventure of a different culture.
My journey as a student is not so complicated because I like studying tourism, and I have been interested in it since my childhood, but the cultural differences have been an adventure in themselves.
My adventurous tour of cultural differences allows me to accept different weather, living and learning styles. On the map of the world, there is not a huge distance between India to Finland in miles, but in the form of culture, there is a great distance covered by spicy food and vibrant festivals to punctuality and the long, dark winters of Finland.
However, I have enjoyed living in Finland and loved being surrounded by nature and the warmth of the Finnish people. May this journey overcome cultural differences and challenges, ultimately reaching the milestone of success!
Text and pictures: Sainy Rathod, first year International Tourism Management student
I went to Tampere with all my classmates for a study visit for the Tourism and Culture course. I was very excited about this trip because it was my first time exploring about Tampere’s history and culture. Our lecturer Emma warmly welcomed us and explained Tampere’s history, natural beauty, and culture. After listening to her I realized Tampere is very rich in cultural heritage!
Pispala – the area full of traditional cultural history and natural beauty
I never heard about the Pispala landscape before enrolling in the course. That’s why I was a bit curious to see it. Pispala is located on the northern slope of Pispalanharju. When I saw the surrounding lake view and the traditional wooden houses from the top of the hills, I was surprised and mesmerized by its beauty which was beyond my words.
Overall, in my opinion, Pispala is beautiful for not only nature but also for traditional wooden houses, and there’s own tradition. If you want to explore nature besides this traditional heritage, Pispala is one of the best places to explore the inner beauty of nature and observe the traditional Finnis wooden houses.
Traditional Tampereen Kauppahalli
After visiting Pispala, one of the old markets named Tampereen Kauppahalli grabbed my attention. When I entered the market, I felt like I entered my country’s market. This market was very old. I noticed that every shop was very traditional, and when I saw a vegetable shop, I was fully surprised as it looked like my country’s shop.
At that time, I was thinking that before moving to Finland, my mom bought groceries from this type of shop. In our country, this type of shop is available but in Finland it’s very rare. Pharmacy, coffee shops, flower shops, shoe shops, and bakeries also looked like very traditional. In every bakery, people make bread by themselves, fresh groceries, fish, and meat are all things always available there. This market indicated Tampere’s traditional local culture.
I must recommend to everyone that if you want to explore local things then Tampereen Kauppahalli is the best market to explore.
Later in the afternoon we also visited Tampere Art Museum, the Keskustori church to explore religious history, and the Labour Museum to explore the traditional history. Overall, Tampere is a nice place to explore culture, history, traditional places, and the local community. It was a really good experience!
Text and pictures: Taslima Akter, second year International Tourism Management student
Matkailuliiketoiminnan opiskelija Katja Kalevo kirjoitti blogiin jutun Matkailu ja kulttuuri -opintojaksoon liittyvästä vierailustaan kulttuuritapahtumassa.
Viimein onnistuin ajoissa nostamaan kytkintä ja suuntaamaan auton kohti Halikon kurpitsapuistoa. Joka vuosi, kun kurpitsapuisto on järjestetty, on tarkoituksenani ollut mennä katsomaan kauniita kurpitsalyhtyjä, joita alueella on vaikka millä mitalla. Aikaisempina vuosina olen ollut liian myöhään liikkeellä, ja havahtunut siihen että kurpitsaviikot ovatkin jo ohi. Tänä vuonna onnistuin kuitenkin viimeisenä viikonloppuna vierailemaan tässä kulttuuritapahtumassa.
En ollut tutkinut aiheesta etukäteen mitään. Olin nähnyt vain sen, mitä kaverit ovat sosiaaliseen mediaan jakaneet. Pienessä mielessäni kuvittelin, että puisto olisi ollut paljon suurempi kuin mitä se todellisuudessa oli. Somejulkaisujen perusteella vaikutti siltä, että puisto olisi laaja alue. En kuitenkaan sanoisi puistoa liian pieneksi, mielestäni se oli juuri sopivan kokoinen. Sen jaksoi helposti kiertää muutamaankin otteeseen ja joka kierroksella huomasi jotakin uutta. Maissilabyrintti oli todella kiva lisä puistoon, en tiedä oliko sellaista ollut aiemmin, mutta sitä oli kiva kierrellä.
Positiivinen yllätys oli se, että ainakin tänä vuonna puistossa oli tarjolla jos jonkinlaista kurpitsoista valmistettua syötävää, esimerkiksi kurpitsavohveleita. Hinnatkaan eivät olleet kovin korkeita, jolloin tapahtuma oli myös opiskelijakukkarolleni ystävällinen. Puhumattakaan siitä, että vohvelit olivat todella maukkaita! Ensimmäisellä haarukallisella maku ei vielä tullut esille, mutta jo toisen haarukallisen kohdalla kurpitsan maun huomasi selkeästi.
Vierailimme puistossa päiväsaikaan. Monet sanoivat, että olisi kuulunut vierailla siellä silloin kun on pimeää, jolloin kaikissa kurpitsoissa palaa kynttilä. Mielestäni kurpitsapuisto oli kuitenkin valoisaankin aikaan mieluisa kokemus, ja ehkä ensi vuonna jaksan odottaa pimeän tuloa. Lähtiessämme puistosta alkoi kuitenkin jo hieman hämärtää. jolloin kynttilöitä alettiinkin sytytellä.
Kurpitsoja oli niin paljon erilaisia, ja tuntui täysin mahdottomalta valita yhtä lempparia. Ehkä suosikkejani kuitenkin olivat puissa roikkuvat kurpitsat, joiden katseleminen auringonsäteiden saattelemana tuntui taianomaiselta. Oli myös upeaa, että kurpitsapuistoon johtava polku ja silta oli koristeltu kurpitsalyhdyillä!
Kaiken kaikkiaan reissu oli kaiken odotuksen arvoinen, ja aion ehdottomasti vierailla ensi vuonna uudestaan. Mahtaakohan silloin olla kehiteltynä jokin uusi kurpitsaherkku, ja minkähänlaisia koristeita mahdetaan keksiä? Kenties silloin näen puiston myös pimeällä, jolloin pääsen kokemaan kurpitsalyhtyjen ja kynttilöiden luoman tunnelman.
Teksti ja kuvat: Matkailuliiketoiminnan opiskelija Katja Kalevo
Life is all about learning, experiencing new things, enjoying every moment of life as much you can. Creating a new way of living life is very important to find happiness. In the hustle and busy of our fast-paced lives there is a trend happening in the tourism industry that has been quietly gaining or growing momentum – solo travel. Travelling alone and finding a new place and people has made me interested in this topic.
Why solo travel?
Solo travel is something everyone must try once in their life. People must give their time to themselves and that is what solo travel means. It’s a life lesson to grow up self-confidence in life, to know better yourself, to become a guide for yourself. You don’t have to depend on others to go somewhere, without any others interrupting or like freely you can do whatever you want. Nature can be felt closely without any distractions. Decision making power will improve and can self-discovery of cultures.
Personal encounters with solo travel
My journey of solo travel began with the quick decision to explore one of the underrated tourism sides of Nepal which is Ghandruk. At first it felt a bit scary because I have never travelled alone.
When I started to explore that place, I found many streets, got a chance to interact with local people and in a few hours, I was like covering the beautiful place with them. I got knew how their culture is like, how they live there, what are the problems and so on. I was making all my decision myself to go somewhere, to eat somethings and I felt so independent. This was a time when I started to be known that solo travel is one of the best lifetime experiences, relaxed, independent, and enjoyable things in the world. One of the advantages of solo travel is it develops personal growth.
The presence of solo travel
Solo travel is no longer a small concept, it’s completely forcing tourism sector to modify the tourism scenery. Different travel agencies and accommodation are being recognizing this trend and working on this for the betterment of solo adventurers. Apps and other different kinds of social media platforms are helping many solo travelers to connect and motivating each other to reach the new destination.
Destination is not only the thing in solo travel; it’s a journey within. It develops self-esteem, breaking the comfort zone and maturing flexibility. You don’t need anyone’s company to travel, learn and create memories. Solo travel is exactly challenging people and showing what travel experiences looks like. Finally, it’s you and your life so you can do anything alone and that’s important in life.
Speculations on the future
Looking forward, in my opinion solo travel is becoming more and more popular. As technology and social media are connecting us universally, many solo travelers have been sharing their view and experiences of their journey and this will be going to help upcoming solo travelers in the future. I think solo travel will become a path for positive change, encouraging culture understanding.
Solo travel is one of the trending topics nowadays in the world, many people want to try that one in life, but they are scared or do not have that much belief in themselves. Nothing would happen if you never tried. Money can be earned but the time which you spent with yourself, and nature will can’t be earned. It’s hard to do solo travel at first, but nothing is impossible. You can reach a new level of point in your life for you must step out your feet and try to travel alone, meet new friends, new culture, new places, and other so on.
Solo travel is not just a trend it’s a transformative movement for making individuals’ lives more powerful, positive and fill with full of self-confidence in them. If you are a solo traveler or planning for solo travel then, remember that you are a part of transformative movement. With this I want to close this with one of a popular slogan for solo travelers “The world is your movie set and solo journey is a director waiting to be masterpiece”.
Text and photos: Pratik Pandey, second year International Tourism Management student
Tour4Youth project is a teamwork effort between Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Kurzeme Planning Region and Pärnumaa Vocational Education Centre, funded by Interreg programmes.
Interreg programmes support the integration of border areas and wider, cross-border cooperation areas, as well as the creation and strengthening of networks between regions and cities. (“Interreg programmes | Structural funds”) Tour4Youth supports young people between 15 to 24 years of age to have career opportunities in the field of Tourism, Hospitality, and restaurant sectors by providing career counselling and opportunities via internships and employment events such as recruitment fairs and online events.
Tour4Youth project group had a project follow-up meeting in a municipality called Valmiera, in Vidzeme region of Latvia. We had about 10 to 12 degrees and mostly sunshine during our trip. Our entourage was formed from project manager Tiina, project researcher Teija and tourism teacher Jonna.
We took the train from Pori to Helsinki via Tampere on a Monday morning, flew from Helsinki to Riga in the late afternoon. From Riga bus station a bus ride towards Valmiera began. We travelled through Latvia in the darkening evening for two hours, so no sightseeing on this bus ride. Autumn forest looks a lot like in Finland, except with a lot of maple trees and other leafy trees instead of conifers. Last project meeting in the spring 2024 was in Kuldīga, closer to the seaside, this time we headed more towards the centre of Latvia.
Arriving to our hotel late in the evening after 12 hours of travelling, the only thing any of us could think was sleeping and resting. A quick bite fetched from local Rimi and looking forward to next day meeting.
Project meeting in Vic campus library with Aija, Ilze, Linda, Laura, Agnece, Thea, Karmen, Jonna, Tiina and Teija
Valmiera is one of the oldest cities in Latvia built by Livonian order in the 13th century, and a part of the Hanseatic league from the 14th century. You can still see remains of a castle wall and cellar as a part of museum, The whole city was destroyed in 1702 war. The city later became the cultural and economic centre of Northern Vidzeme with also strong emphasis on sports events. We stayed in a sports hotel, but unfortunately had no time for doing any sports.
We got to keep the project meetings close to beautiful river Gauja in Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences. Sun was shining to honour our meeting for almost the entire trip. It was pleasant to meet project partners face to face again, some new faces too. We worked together as a team pitching ideas about the Introduction days for Tour4Youth, targeted events for participants and employers, recruitment fairs and the dissemination days. Many exciting days coming up in each country; Finland, Estonia and Latvia! The meeting days went quickly by, our only evening in Valmiera even quicker, but luckily, we got a chance to explore the city on Tuesday afternoon while walking to our evening dinner destination of a restaurant and brewery called Valmiermuiža Craft Brewery. Got to taste some biscuits made of malt and discuss about differences in food culture between countries.
After the second meeting day was over, we were lucky to get a ride from Aija and Agnese from Valmiera to Riga, which took two hours. Driving during sunlight we got to see the countryside in Latvia with cows in the fields and forest in the colours of autumn. After gathering up strength in our next hotel, we went shopping for homecoming gifts and later summoned the troops to have dinner at the old town.
Riga old town is found in the UNESCO World Heritage site list since 1997. Riga has been the major centre and port for the Hanseatic league and its history starts also from the beginning of the 13th century. The core of the city is still from medieval times, built through centuries to be stunning in architecture and cultural heritage.
Teija and Jonna had an opportunity to explore briefly the church of Saint Peter´s church, which is built already in 1209, but also been reconstructed in history three times. Nowadays an Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia, strongly influenced by reformation period in the 16th century. During second world war the church faced much damage and was restored in 1954. A lift has been built to the tower in the hight of astonishing 123 metres. From the peak one can see all over Riga, which once more left a powerful desire to visit Riga with better time to explore.
Travelling home took a bit less than arriving, but back in Pori we discovered autumn was a bit colder and less leaves in the trees already, than in Latvia. Next travels during spring 2025 to Pärnu with the same entourage. So excited to see also Estonia during this project.
Meanwhile, doing our best to support young people getting employment in Tourism and Hospitality sector. If you fit to the category, or you have vacancies for internships, please be in contact via website https://tour4youth.eu/ and follow us in Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TourForYouth.
Text: Teija Nuurma, Researcher, SAMK Center for Tourism Business Development Pictures: Teija Nuurma and Jonna Huuhka
Lähdin vaihtoon 17-vuotiaana ja olin todella innoissani tulevasta, ja mitä seuraavat kuukaudet toisivat tullessaan. Vaihto jännitti tosi paljon ja ensimmäinen viikko olikin rankka. Päätin jo, että en pysty tähän ja lähden takaisin kotiin. Soittelimme koko ajan opettajille ja vanhemmille tilanteesta.
Annoin kuitenkin uuden mahdollisuuden ensimmäisen viikon koronapaniikin jälkeen ja päätin jäädä Alankomaihin, Amersfoortiin, meidän ihanaan pieneen maalaisasuntoomme. Kävimme ensimmäiseksi hotellikoulua kuukauden verran. Siellä pukeuduimme pukuihin ja todellakin opimme miltä tuntui työskennellä hotellissa, joka pyrkii täydellisyyteen ja ylellisyyteen. Koulussa taso oli Suomeen verrattuna hyvin korkea.
Työskentelimme hotellissa pääasiassa ravintolan puolella, joka piti sisällään aamupalaa, lounasta, illallista, baristana oloa, drinkkejä ja ihan kaikkia hommia lattiasta kattoon – kirjaimellisesti. Koulussa myös harva osasi hyvin englantia, joka yllätti, koska sanotaan, että Alankomaissa englantia puhutaan todella hyvin.
Hotellikoulusta suuntasimme työskentelemään Van Der Valk hotelliketjun hotelliin Leusdeniin ja se vasta kokemus olikin. Töissä sattui ja tapahtui, mikä oli mielenkiintoista, koska se oli sen verran monipuolista ja tapahtumarikasta. Työskentelimme kerran esimerkiksi gaalan jatkoilla, johon tuli kaikki tunnetut Alankomaiden laulajat ja bändit. Monesti myös palvelimme erilaisia ryhmiä tai esimerkiksi ympäri maailmaa tulleita jääkiekkojoukkueita. Työtä oli paljon ja nukuinkin aina välillä vapaassa hotellihuoneessa, koska se oli nopeampaa.
Vapaa-ajan vietimme kiertelemässä läheisiä kaupunkeja, shoppailemassa tai muuten vain palloilemassa kaupungilla. Lisäksi kävimme testaamassa yöelämää muutaman kerran ja hengailimme työkavereiden kanssa.
Vaihdossa kasvoi ja oppi ihan huimasti. Oppi ymmärtämään niin paljon muita ja itseään ihan eri tasolla. Varsinkin tuossa iässä, 17-vuotiaana teininä. Olen myös todella kiitollinen, että oikeasti pääsin kokemaan näinkin huikean kokemuksen ja, että ihmisistä keiden kanssa ennen oli erimielisyyksiä, ystävystyttiinkin oikein kunnolla.
Suosittelen kaikille kyllä vaihtoon lähtöä esimerkiksi juuri ammattikorkeakoulussa. Itse kyllä uudestaan vaihtoon lähtö edelleen kiinnostaa, oli se vain niin ihanaa!
Teksti ja kuvat: Matkailuliiketoiminnan opiskelija Lilli Vuohelainen
Embarking on my second Bachelor’s degree in International Tourism at SAMK University of Applied Sciences has been an incredible journey, blending new academic challenges with exciting practical experiences. Having already completed a Bachelor’s degree in Arts from a Sri Lankan university, I felt prepared yet curious about diving into a completely different field. Little did I know, my first year at SAMK would bring an unexpected opportunity that would shape my understanding and passion for sustainable tourism.
During my first year, I was fortunate to secure a traineeship at the Center for Tourism Business Development at SAMK. This opportunity has been nothing short of transformative. I have delved deep into the core principles of sustainable tourism and learned how to steer a region like Satakunta towards sustainability. From project creation to implementation, my hands-on experience has equipped me with the tools and knowledge necessary to make a tangible impact in the field.
Some of the team members from the Center for Tourism Business Development.
One of the most significant lessons I’ve learned is the true meaning of sustainable tourism. It’s not just a buzzword; it’s a comprehensive approach to tourism that prioritizes environmental conservation, respects local cultures, and ensures economic benefits for local communities. I’ve seen firsthand how projects are developed to promote sustainability from reducing carbon footprints to enhancing cultural heritage sites.
Working closely with tourism companies, I’ve gained insights into what they expect from students and how we can contribute to sustainable tourism. This traineeship has shown me the importance of aligning academic knowledge with industry needs. By understanding these expectations, I feel more prepared to step into the professional world and make meaningful contributions.
The experience has also enriched my understanding of Finnish culture and business etiquette. Punctuality, honesty, and direct communication are just a few of the values that I’ve come to appreciate and adopt. Moreover, working with an international crowd has honed my intercultural communication skills, preparing me for a global career in tourism.
Through this traineeship, I’ve significantly improved my computer skills, particularly in creating impactful presentations that highlight the historical and cultural significance of the Satakunta region. Gathering and presenting facts and figures has become a second nature, and I’ve enjoyed making these aspects of the region come alive for diverse audiences.
My traineeship at SAMK’s Center for Tourism Business Development has been an incredibly rewarding experience. It has not only broadened my understanding of sustainable tourism but also enhanced my professional and personal skills. As I continue my studies, I am excited to apply what I’ve learned and contribute to the development of sustainable tourism practices in the Satakunta region and beyond.
I look forward to sharing more about my journey and the projects I undertake. Stay tuned for more insights and stories from my exciting adventure in sustainable tourism!
Text and picture: Nayani Wasana Kalubowilage, second year International Tourism Management student
Matkailu on ollut minulle aina tärkeää pienestä asti. Ensimmäistä kertaa ulkomailla olenkin ollut alle vuoden ikäisenä, koska osa kavereistani asui ulkomailla. Tätini luona Sveitsissä tuli myös käytyä useasti, kun hän asui siellä yli 11 vuotta.
Paras matkamuistoni kuitenkin sijoittuu heittämällä voimistelumatkoihin ulkomaille. World Gymnaestradaa odotan aina eniten ja on hankalaa olla neljä vuotta ilman voimistelureissua. Viime vuonna lähdin Gymnaestrada-matkalle Hollantiin. Oli aivan upeaa päästä minulle uuteen maahan ihanassa seurassa yhdessä oman voimisteluseuran kanssa.
Lähdimme jo aamuvarhain yhdessä bussilla kohti lentokenttää. Matkalla vielä nukuimme, mutta kerkesimme myös virittyä avajaispäivän tunnelmaan opettelemalla tapahtumatanssia ja Suomen esiintymistanssia, jonka esitimme muille maille Amsterdamin stadionilla. Lentokentällä ja -koneessa huomasimme, että kone oli melkein täynnä pelkkiä voimistelijoita, ja lisäksi lentomme oli ylibuukattu, ja jännitimme, pääsisimmekö kaikki koneeseen. Onneksemme kaikki meni hyvin ja pääsimme samalla koneella määränpäähän. Lentokentällä oli tietenkin sama pelko ja jännitys kuin aina, että onko oma laukku löytänyt perille. Sitä jännitimme yhdessä porukalla.
Päästyämme hotellille emme saaneet vielä huoneita, koska lentomme oli niin aikainen. Vaihdoimme siis vaatteet hotellin kokoustiloissa ja valmistauduimme pian alkavaan avausmarssiin. Marssia ennen ehdimme kuitenkin hieman tutustua lähiseutuun ja kävimme paikallisessa ravintolassa ja kaupoissa tutkimassa, millaisia tuotteita Hollannissa on myynnissä ja onko hinnat alempia kuin Suomessa. Tämä marssi on ollut pisin Gymnaestradan marssi missä olen ollut. Yleensä marssi on noin 1 km mittainen, mutta täällä se oli hieman yli 3 km.
Viikon aikana Suomelle oli varattuna stadionilla 3 esitystä eri päivinä. Näistä kuitenkin vain 2 toteutui, sillä ensimmäisten päivien säät olivat aivan hirveät, joten esitykset ja treenit peruttiin turvallisuussyistä ja osat esityksistä siirrettiin halleihin. Koska meidän näytöksemme oli peruttu, menimme sadepäivinä shoppailemaan ja katsomaan upeita hallinäytöksiä.
Esiintymisien lisäksi loman parhaaksi muistoksi nousi reissu Amsterdam Noordiin. Lähdin sinne yhden ystäväni kanssa, koska olimme varanneet liput meille WONDR Experience elämysmuseoon. Tämä museo oli aivan huikea. En itse ole koskaan ollut vastaavassa paikassa, ja tämä oli kyllä kokemuksen arvoinen. Parhaan kokemuksen tietenkin saa heittäytymällä ja asettumalla takaisin omaan lapsuuteen, kun pääsi aikuisten pomppulinnaan ja pallomereen. Viimeisenä kierroksellamme matkasimme vielä Pink Beach ravintolaan, mutta harmiksemme se oli juuri ehtinyt mennä kiinni, emmekä ehtineet tilaamaan drinkkejä.
Teksti ja kuvat: Olivia Vartemaa, toisen vuoden matkailuliiketoiminnan opiskelija
As someone who is privileged to experience both the corporate world and the thrills of being an entrepreneur, today I want to share my story of how I used my practical training opportunity that is presented by Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) to take a big step toward my lifelong goal and unlock my hidden superpowers. My name is Buddhi Piumantha, a proud student of the Hospitality Management degree at SAMK.
I want to start my blog post by addressing the immense support that I received throughout my studies from day one, from my university, and I want to give a big shoutout to all the professors/ lecturers who helped me come this far. I must specifically mention professor Heini Korvenkangas.
Humble Beginnings and Big Dreams
As someone who comes from a humble beginning, I always wanted to achieve my dreams despite any challenges ahead of me. After finishing my advanced level studies, I started my bachelor’s degree at SAMK in 2020. While gaining valuable knowledge from SAMK’s excellent study program, I began to explore the opportunities presented by SAMK and being a higher education student.
A picture that I captured while visiting Norway, Tromsø Islands.
The idea of having my company always lived with me from a very young age, but I was not able to see any progress or had any hope until I presented my idea in a tutor discussion. I remember from that day; I always wanted my dreams to become reality. In that discussion with my mentor, I heard a few valuable pieces of advice that stuck with me until today, motivating me to work even harder to make my dream a reality.
Practical Training – A Time Travel Experience
I always wanted to explore. By nature, I consider myself a risk-taker, which is why I always wanted to do and think outside the box. After completing my degree for two successful years, I was presented with the opportunity to select and do my practical training. Even though now I mention it as an ”opportunity,” at the time, I was furious and thought this was a waste of time and I should probably avoid it at all costs.
But as time goes by, I now realize the real opportunity it presents to a new student — a student who wants to find their passion and gain valuable knowledge. Practical training, if I have to describe it, is like ”time travel”. If you can plan this and have an idea of what you really want to do, this is a great opportunity where you can see your future self — not only just in your career but also this is immensely valuable for your personal life.
Doing My Practical Training in the Corporate World
My breakthrough, which I consider as jumping from an unskilled labor worker to actually becoming a valuable candidate for any company, was in 2022. For the first time, I wanted to complete the first half of my practical training as a shift manager at a sushi restaurant. This was the field I had the most experience with at the time, and I absolutely loved working with people, physical labor, and enjoyed being a good customer servant.
Working as a sushi chef at Puuvilla Pori, Finland.
Together with my professor, we developed a plan to achieve the desired requirements and my personal goals from this position. This was the first time that I enjoyed being given this much responsibility and having the faith of upper management. This was a fascinating experience for me. I enjoyed all the responsibilities that pointed toward me, being in that position and being directly involved in the decision-making process gave me a big confidence booster. I was able to ensure collaborative measures with other business owners to have their full belief in my company and in me.
How My Extra Activities Affected My Career Life
Even though I was working part-time to sustain myself while studying, I always found time to do the things that I love. I was an active member of my university. At the time, I was one of the first members to start the SAMK Ambassador program. With a very busy timetable, I somehow managed to have time to participate in the ambassador program and share my experience with other students who are eager to learn interesting facts about Finland and overall student life in Finland. In there, I was working with SAMK professionals and was able to talk to many students who are looking to make decisions on their higher studies. While doing so, we participated in various events, running social media marketing programs to showcase the value of SAMK.
Having an amazing time with the SAMK Edu travel team.
Not only that, I was also an international tutor. I loved helping others and thought this was the perfect way to do it. This was inspired by my tutors who helped me when I started my journey in Finland and at SAMK. I still remember how they treated me when I had no idea about this whole thing. I remember my first day when they brought me a small package containing Finnish traditional food and beverage with a very heartwarming note on it. I consider I had the best tutors, Milla and Roosa. They inspired me to do the same thing for other international students because the excitement they gave me with that small gesture made me rethink how to approach this world.
Memories of being a Tutor.
Also, one of the pivotal moments during my studies was joining the SAMK EduTravel agency’s of a new VR travel project as a social media marketing coordinator. I am privileged to have this position even today. For the first time, I experienced a significant change in my career and responsibilities on a job.
At the time, SAMK EduTravel was readjusting its marketing strategies. This project was being tested at the time. This position helped me harness my social media skills. I always believed social media is a great tool if used for beneficial purposes. I learned a few skills as a social media marketing coordinator, even though it was not the primary reason I was given this position. It was my passion and self-belief of ”I can learn anything” that landed me this opportunity.
After finishing my project successfully, this whole experience, combined with other activities and my overall career and life experience, changed my vision, mission, and values forever. I have learned and improved myself a lot. This was the time my inner self and confidence wanted to move toward something I had wanted to do for a long time but couldn’t take action on.
Taking a Huge Step and Chasing My Lifelong Goal
While facing difficult times in the corporate world, I was not satisfied with doing the same thing over and over. With all these previous experiences and high self-esteem, I was constantly thinking about improving myself. As wise people say, ”When destiny meets — no matter how much we try to avoid it — our destiny will be our destiny”. I found myself shattered and heartbroken after hearing the devastating news that my HR team informed me of. My company was facing serious financial problems and was starting to implement a recovery plan, and our branch was selected to close down.
At the time, I had put so much effort and time into my responsibilities. Not only did I complete my responsibilities as a shift manager, but I also did social media marketing using my own time. This was because I was passionate about my career. I always wanted to learn more and continuously improve. I was able to form a partnership with the K-Citymarket manager and launched several offering programs which distributed equal value for both of us. Despite these efforts, I was left with many questions.
Opening day of my own company.
Even though my company requested that I move to another location with a better position and salary, my intuition kept thinking about my future. Now, I am almost finished with my degree, having studied social media marketing for almost half a decade. My level of skill in marketing and the implementation of strategies has grown significantly. Even though the job was ending and I was inches away from unemployment, I gathered myself and stayed positive during the storm. Not only that, I used this storm to sail straight toward it by making a bold decision that changed my life forever.
I used this chance as a stepping stone to achieve my lifelong goal of having my own company. As I said earlier, I had plenty of experiences in different fields, different positions. I was lucky to work with many professionals, loved and trusted by leaders, and had immense confidence in my abilities. That’s when I lost my job, I booked a one-way ticket to Italy, and along with my brother, I co-founded my company ”SanzenoServizi,” which aims to provide cutting-edge social media solutions for businesses and influencers.
The Reality of Becoming an entrepreneur
The idea of this was always in the discussions with my professor. I was looking to add value to my business and bring it to the next level. That’s when I decided to do my other half of the practical training for my own company. My teacher gave me amazing mentorship throughout my journey, and this was no different. We were able to find solutions for many questions that I had before I started the second half of my practical training.
After presenting my idea and plan for doing my practical training at my own company, my plan got approved. Since then, it has been an amazing journey which I enjoyed the whole process of. It was filled with ups and downs, happy and sad moments, wins and losses. Most of all, it was not easy being in this position.
I remember my professor Heini Korvenkangas always advised me that I needed more experience so I could have smooth sailing when I walked into the real world to face day-to-day challenges. At the time, I couldn’t see any good reason to believe her words, but now I understand all the problems, challenges, and excitements that are presented day to day toward me.
Key Takeaways
As someone who has accomplished things in life that matter the most, I would like to profess and give away my best and favorite things I learned throughout my journey. I want to encourage you, if you believe you can do more, go for it. I didn’t know everything when I started, and even though I am not yet at my desired position, at least I know where I am heading and I was able to realize my potential.
The summit of dolomite mountains Trentino Italy.
Always ask if you do not know; that is why having a mentor and listening to their advice is so important. You never know who may help you in your hardest time. People are not always who you think, but someone will help. Taking a risk when you can is always a good idea. When an opportunity presents itself and you miss it, it may be gone forever.
In conclusion, I was able to overcome many challenges that presented themselves in my life. I achieved things that nobody thought I would. I believed in myself in a way that even surprised me. I faced adversities, betrayals, and heart-breaking moments throughout my journey. But I was also lucky and grateful to receive so much help from unexpected people. I received love and care, praises and support.
This journey has been filled with thrilling moments, and I am enjoying every moment of it. No matter what your dreams are — career or life, becoming an entrepreneur, climbing the corporate ladder, becoming a good person, artist — do what makes your soul happy, and everyone should believe that it is possible.
I want to finish my blog post with one of my favorite quotes:
”It is amazing what you can achieve when you set your mind to it. If there is no rain, there is no rainbow, and eventually all waves settle. So, keep believing and keep trying.”
Text and photos: Buddhi Panambarage, final year International Tourism Management student