My Journey in Sustainable Tourism: A Traineeship at SAMK

Embarking on my second Bachelor’s degree in International Tourism at SAMK University of Applied Sciences has been an incredible journey, blending new academic challenges with exciting practical experiences. Having already completed a Bachelor’s degree in Arts from a Sri Lankan university, I felt prepared yet curious about diving into a completely different field. Little did I know, my first year at SAMK would bring an unexpected opportunity that would shape my understanding and passion for sustainable tourism.

During my first year, I was fortunate to secure a traineeship at the Center for Tourism Business Development at SAMK. This opportunity has been nothing short of transformative. I have delved deep into the core principles of sustainable tourism and learned how to steer a region like Satakunta towards sustainability. From project creation to implementation, my hands-on experience has equipped me with the tools and knowledge necessary to make a tangible impact in the field.

Some of the team members from the Center for Tourism Business Development.

One of the most significant lessons I’ve learned is the true meaning of sustainable tourism. It’s not just a buzzword; it’s a comprehensive approach to tourism that prioritizes environmental conservation, respects local cultures, and ensures economic benefits for local communities. I’ve seen firsthand how projects are developed to promote sustainability from reducing carbon footprints to enhancing cultural heritage sites.

Working closely with tourism companies, I’ve gained insights into what they expect from students and how we can contribute to sustainable tourism. This traineeship has shown me the importance of aligning academic knowledge with industry needs. By understanding these expectations, I feel more prepared to step into the professional world and make meaningful contributions.

The experience has also enriched my understanding of Finnish culture and business etiquette. Punctuality, honesty, and direct communication are just a few of the values that I’ve come to appreciate and adopt. Moreover, working with an international crowd has honed my intercultural communication skills, preparing me for a global career in tourism.

Through this traineeship, I’ve significantly improved my computer skills, particularly in creating impactful presentations that highlight the historical and cultural significance of the Satakunta region. Gathering and presenting facts and figures has become a second nature, and I’ve enjoyed making these aspects of the region come alive for diverse audiences.

My traineeship at SAMK’s Center for Tourism Business Development has been an incredibly rewarding experience. It has not only broadened my understanding of sustainable tourism but also enhanced my professional and personal skills. As I continue my studies, I am excited to apply what I’ve learned and contribute to the development of sustainable tourism practices in the Satakunta region and beyond.

I look forward to sharing more about my journey and the projects I undertake. Stay tuned for more insights and stories from my exciting adventure in sustainable tourism!

Text and picture: Nayani Wasana Kalubowilage, second year International Tourism Management student

Paras matkamuistoni

Matkailu on ollut minulle aina tärkeää pienestä asti. Ensimmäistä kertaa ulkomailla olenkin ollut alle vuoden ikäisenä, koska osa kavereistani asui ulkomailla. Tätini luona Sveitsissä tuli myös käytyä useasti, kun hän asui siellä yli 11 vuotta.

Paras matkamuistoni kuitenkin sijoittuu heittämällä voimistelumatkoihin ulkomaille. World Gymnaestradaa odotan aina eniten ja on hankalaa olla neljä vuotta ilman voimistelureissua. Viime vuonna lähdin Gymnaestrada-matkalle Hollantiin. Oli aivan upeaa päästä minulle uuteen maahan ihanassa seurassa yhdessä oman voimisteluseuran kanssa.

Lähdimme jo aamuvarhain yhdessä bussilla kohti lentokenttää. Matkalla vielä nukuimme, mutta kerkesimme myös virittyä avajaispäivän tunnelmaan opettelemalla tapahtumatanssia ja Suomen esiintymistanssia, jonka esitimme muille maille Amsterdamin stadionilla. Lentokentällä ja -koneessa huomasimme, että kone oli melkein täynnä pelkkiä voimistelijoita, ja lisäksi lentomme oli ylibuukattu, ja jännitimme, pääsisimmekö kaikki koneeseen. Onneksemme kaikki meni hyvin ja pääsimme samalla koneella määränpäähän. Lentokentällä oli tietenkin sama pelko ja jännitys kuin aina, että onko oma laukku löytänyt perille. Sitä jännitimme yhdessä porukalla.

Päästyämme hotellille emme saaneet vielä huoneita, koska lentomme oli niin aikainen. Vaihdoimme siis vaatteet hotellin kokoustiloissa ja valmistauduimme pian alkavaan avausmarssiin. Marssia ennen ehdimme kuitenkin hieman tutustua lähiseutuun ja kävimme paikallisessa ravintolassa ja kaupoissa tutkimassa, millaisia tuotteita Hollannissa on myynnissä ja onko hinnat alempia kuin Suomessa. Tämä marssi on ollut pisin Gymnaestradan marssi missä olen ollut. Yleensä marssi on noin 1 km mittainen, mutta täällä se oli hieman yli 3 km.

Viikon aikana Suomelle oli varattuna stadionilla 3 esitystä eri päivinä. Näistä kuitenkin vain 2 toteutui, sillä ensimmäisten päivien säät olivat aivan hirveät, joten esitykset ja treenit peruttiin turvallisuussyistä ja osat esityksistä siirrettiin halleihin. Koska meidän näytöksemme oli peruttu, menimme sadepäivinä shoppailemaan ja katsomaan upeita hallinäytöksiä.

Esiintymisien lisäksi loman parhaaksi muistoksi nousi reissu Amsterdam Noordiin. Lähdin sinne yhden ystäväni kanssa, koska olimme varanneet liput meille WONDR Experience elämysmuseoon. Tämä museo oli aivan huikea. En itse ole koskaan ollut vastaavassa paikassa, ja tämä oli kyllä kokemuksen arvoinen. Parhaan kokemuksen tietenkin saa heittäytymällä ja asettumalla takaisin omaan lapsuuteen, kun pääsi aikuisten pomppulinnaan ja pallomereen. Viimeisenä kierroksellamme matkasimme vielä Pink Beach ravintolaan, mutta harmiksemme se oli juuri ehtinyt mennä kiinni, emmekä ehtineet tilaamaan drinkkejä.

Teksti ja kuvat: Olivia Vartemaa, toisen vuoden matkailuliiketoiminnan opiskelija

From Corporate to Entrepreneur: My Journey Through Practical Training

As someone who is privileged to experience both the corporate world and the thrills of being an entrepreneur, today I want to share my story of how I used my practical training opportunity that is presented by Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) to take a big step toward my lifelong goal and unlock my hidden superpowers. My name is Buddhi Piumantha, a proud student of the Hospitality Management degree at SAMK.

I want to start my blog post by addressing the immense support that I received throughout my studies from day one, from my university, and I want to give a big shoutout to all the professors/ lecturers who helped me come this far. I must specifically mention professor Heini Korvenkangas.

Humble Beginnings and Big Dreams

As someone who comes from a humble beginning, I always wanted to achieve my dreams despite any challenges ahead of me. After finishing my advanced level studies, I started my bachelor’s degree at SAMK in 2020. While gaining valuable knowledge from SAMK’s excellent study program, I began to explore the opportunities presented by SAMK and being a higher education student.

A picture that I captured while visiting Norway, Tromsø Islands.

The idea of having my company always lived with me from a very young age, but I was not able to see any progress or had any hope until I presented my idea in a tutor discussion. I remember from that day; I always wanted my dreams to become reality. In that discussion with my mentor, I heard a few valuable pieces of advice that stuck with me until today, motivating me to work even harder to make my dream a reality.

Practical Training – A Time Travel Experience

I always wanted to explore. By nature, I consider myself a risk-taker, which is why I always wanted to do and think outside the box. After completing my degree for two successful years, I was presented with the opportunity to select and do my practical training. Even though now I mention it as an ”opportunity,” at the time, I was furious and thought this was a waste of time and I should probably avoid it at all costs.

But as time goes by, I now realize the real opportunity it presents to a new student — a student who wants to find their passion and gain valuable knowledge. Practical training, if I have to describe it, is like ”time travel”. If you can plan this and have an idea of what you really want to do, this is a great opportunity where you can see your future self — not only just in your career but also this is immensely valuable for your personal life.

Doing My Practical Training in the Corporate World

My breakthrough, which I consider as jumping from an unskilled labor worker to actually becoming a valuable candidate for any company, was in 2022. For the first time, I wanted to complete the first half of my practical training as a shift manager at a sushi restaurant. This was the field I had the most experience with at the time, and I absolutely loved working with people, physical labor, and enjoyed being a good customer servant.

Working as a sushi chef at Puuvilla Pori, Finland.

Together with my professor, we developed a plan to achieve the desired requirements and my personal goals from this position. This was the first time that I enjoyed being given this much responsibility and having the faith of upper management. This was a fascinating experience for me. I enjoyed all the responsibilities that pointed toward me, being in that position and being directly involved in the decision-making process gave me a big confidence booster. I was able to ensure collaborative measures with other business owners to have their full belief in my company and in me.

How My Extra Activities Affected My Career Life

Even though I was working part-time to sustain myself while studying, I always found time to do the things that I love. I was an active member of my university. At the time, I was one of the first members to start the SAMK Ambassador program. With a very busy timetable, I somehow managed to have time to participate in the ambassador program and share my experience with other students who are eager to learn interesting facts about Finland and overall student life in Finland. In there, I was working with SAMK professionals and was able to talk to many students who are looking to make decisions on their higher studies. While doing so, we participated in various events, running social media marketing programs to showcase the value of SAMK.

Having an amazing time with the SAMK Edu travel team.

Not only that, I was also an international tutor. I loved helping others and thought this was the perfect way to do it. This was inspired by my tutors who helped me when I started my journey in Finland and at SAMK. I still remember how they treated me when I had no idea about this whole thing. I remember my first day when they brought me a small package containing Finnish traditional food and beverage with a very heartwarming note on it. I consider I had the best tutors, Milla and Roosa. They inspired me to do the same thing for other international students because the excitement they gave me with that small gesture made me rethink how to approach this world.

Memories of being a Tutor.

Also, one of the pivotal moments during my studies was joining the SAMK EduTravel agency’s of a new VR travel project as a social media marketing coordinator. I am privileged to have this position even today. For the first time, I experienced a significant change in my career and responsibilities on a job.

At the time, SAMK EduTravel was readjusting its marketing strategies. This project was being tested at the time. This position helped me harness my social media skills. I always believed social media is a great tool if used for beneficial purposes. I learned a few skills as a social media marketing coordinator, even though it was not the primary reason I was given this position. It was my passion and self-belief of ”I can learn anything” that landed me this opportunity.

After finishing my project successfully, this whole experience, combined with other activities and my overall career and life experience, changed my vision, mission, and values forever. I have learned and improved myself a lot. This was the time my inner self and confidence wanted to move toward something I had wanted to do for a long time but couldn’t take action on.

Taking a Huge Step and Chasing My Lifelong Goal

While facing difficult times in the corporate world, I was not satisfied with doing the same thing over and over. With all these previous experiences and high self-esteem, I was constantly thinking about improving myself. As wise people say, ”When destiny meets — no matter how much we try to avoid it — our destiny will be our destiny”. I found myself shattered and heartbroken after hearing the devastating news that my HR team informed me of. My company was facing serious financial problems and was starting to implement a recovery plan, and our branch was selected to close down.

At the time, I had put so much effort and time into my responsibilities. Not only did I complete my responsibilities as a shift manager, but I also did social media marketing using my own time. This was because I was passionate about my career. I always wanted to learn more and continuously improve. I was able to form a partnership with the K-Citymarket manager and launched several offering programs which distributed equal value for both of us. Despite these efforts, I was left with many questions.

Opening day of my own company.

Even though my company requested that I move to another location with a better position and salary, my intuition kept thinking about my future. Now, I am almost finished with my degree, having studied social media marketing for almost half a decade. My level of skill in marketing and the implementation of strategies has grown significantly. Even though the job was ending and I was inches away from unemployment, I gathered myself and stayed positive during the storm. Not only that, I used this storm to sail straight toward it by making a bold decision that changed my life forever.

I used this chance as a stepping stone to achieve my lifelong goal of having my own company. As I said earlier, I had plenty of experiences in different fields, different positions. I was lucky to work with many professionals, loved and trusted by leaders, and had immense confidence in my abilities. That’s when I lost my job, I booked a one-way ticket to Italy, and along with my brother, I co-founded my company ”SanzenoServizi,” which aims to provide cutting-edge social media solutions for businesses and influencers.

The Reality of Becoming an entrepreneur

The idea of this was always in the discussions with my professor. I was looking to add value to my business and bring it to the next level. That’s when I decided to do my other half of the practical training for my own company. My teacher gave me amazing mentorship throughout my journey, and this was no different. We were able to find solutions for many questions that I had before I started the second half of my practical training.

After presenting my idea and plan for doing my practical training at my own company, my plan got approved. Since then, it has been an amazing journey which I enjoyed the whole process of. It was filled with ups and downs, happy and sad moments, wins and losses. Most of all, it was not easy being in this position.

I remember my professor Heini Korvenkangas always advised me that I needed more experience so I could have smooth sailing when I walked into the real world to face day-to-day challenges. At the time, I couldn’t see any good reason to believe her words, but now I understand all the problems, challenges, and excitements that are presented day to day toward me.

Key Takeaways

As someone who has accomplished things in life that matter the most, I would like to profess and give away my best and favorite things I learned throughout my journey. I want to encourage you, if you believe you can do more, go for it. I didn’t know everything when I started, and even though I am not yet at my desired position, at least I know where I am heading and I was able to realize my potential.

The summit of dolomite mountains Trentino Italy.

Always ask if you do not know; that is why having a mentor and listening to their advice is so important. You never know who may help you in your hardest time. People are not always who you think, but someone will help. Taking a risk when you can is always a good idea. When an opportunity presents itself and you miss it, it may be gone forever.

In conclusion, I was able to overcome many challenges that presented themselves in my life. I achieved things that nobody thought I would. I believed in myself in a way that even surprised me. I faced adversities, betrayals, and heart-breaking moments throughout my journey. But I was also lucky and grateful to receive so much help from unexpected people. I received love and care, praises and support.

This journey has been filled with thrilling moments, and I am enjoying every moment of it. No matter what your dreams are — career or life, becoming an entrepreneur, climbing the corporate ladder, becoming a good person, artist — do what makes your soul happy, and everyone should believe that it is possible.

I want to finish my blog post with one of my favorite quotes:

”It is amazing what you can achieve when you set your mind to it. If there is no rain, there is no rainbow, and eventually all waves settle. So, keep believing and keep trying.”

Text and photos: Buddhi Panambarage, final year International Tourism Management student

Celebration of Sinhala and Hindu New Year Festival by Sri Lankan Tourism Students

On 16th of May 2024, the Sri Lankan tourism students at SAMK University of Applied Sciences marked a historic occasion by celebrating the Sinhala and Hindu New Year festival for the first time at the Agora Hall. This vibrant event brought the warmth and richness of Sri Lankan culture to the heart of the university, making it a memorable day for all attendees.

One of the highlights of the celebration was the incredible arrange of traditional Sri Lankan foods. The culinary spread included:

Kiribath (Milk Rice): A must-have for any New Year celebration, kiribath is made by cooking rice with coconut milk, giving it a rich and creamy texture. It was served with lunu miris, a spicy onion relish that added a delightful kick. This white milk rice always brings us the feeling of peace.

Kevum (Oil Cakes): These sweet, deep-fried delicacies made from rice flour and treacle were a hit among attendees. Their crunchy exterior and soft, sweet interior were irresistible.

Kokis is intricate, flower-shaped cookie made from rice flour and coconut milk – both a visual and gastronomic delight. I saw everyone taken two three times to their plates to take the experience of crunchy sound and the sweetness .

Naran kevum is rich and made from little pieces of coconut and flour with sugar. This was another traditional sweet item that was a crowd favorite.

Aside from these, many more sweet and chilly food items were available on the table to make different experiences for the international crowd of all who participated.

It was such a nice experience to all of the Sri Lankan students when the international crowd eating so chilly and so sweet taste with a variety of foods . These provided a savory balance to the sweet treats, showcasing the diverse flavors of Sri Lankan cuisine.

The event was graced by several lecturers from SAMK University who took the opportunity to express their appreciation for the Sri Lankan students’ initiative. They commended the students for their hard work in organizing such a vibrant and culturally enriching event.

To make the colourful this event we invited some of the staff members and the lecturers of the  degree program of international Tourism management: Jukka Mäkinen, Jaana Ruoho, Emma Roinila, Jonna Huuhka, Liisa Suominen, Heini Korvenkangas, Teija Nuurma, Tiina Leino, Marja Tomberg, Jere Kuusinen, Jeffrey Salahub, Iira Ostamo and Timo Salomaa. They made a wonderful start with lightning the traditional oil lamp as a start of the new year before the event.

Head of Teaching, Mr Jukka Makinen remarked: ”This celebration not only brings us closer as a community but also enriches our understanding of the diverse cultures that our students represent. The Sri Lankan New Year festival has added a new dimension to our cultural landscape, and we are thrilled to be a part of it.”

In addition to the delicious food and cultural presentations, the event featured a variety of traditional New Year games that brought joy and laughter to everyone:

Kotta Pora (Pillow Fighting): This game involved contestants balancing on a horizontal bar while trying to knock each other off with pillows. The light-hearted competition and the inevitable tumbles were a source of great amusement.

Tug of War: Teams competed in a spirited tug of war, showcasing their strength and teamwork. The enthusiastic support from the crowd added to the energy of the game.

Other games played included Balloon dance , Running with lime on a spoon , Secret guest , Counting seeds of inside papaw, Music chair , Three legs running and many more.

The celebration of the Sinhala and Hindu New Year at SAMK University was more than just a festive gathering. It was a testament to the power of cultural exchange and the strong sense of community at the university. Students, staff, and faculty came together to enjoy, learn, and appreciate the rich traditions of Sri Lanka. In this occasion we felt that everyone forget their positions and had a great fun with lots of laughter together . 

As the event came to a close, it was clear that this inaugural celebration had set a new standard for cultural events at SAMK. The joy, laughter, and unity experienced throughout the day will be cherished memories for all who attended, and it is hoped that this will become an annual tradition that continues to enrich the university community.

This historic celebration has paved the way for future cultural events at SAMK University, highlighting the importance of diversity and inclusion. We look forward to more such events that celebrate the unique cultures and traditions of our international student community.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this event a resounding success. Your enthusiasm and hard work have created lasting memories and have made a significant impact on the SAMK community.

Text and pictures: Nayani Wasana Kalubowilage, second year International Tourism Management student

How projects are made?  T4Y – The visit to Kuldiga and Riga in Latvia, 21.-23.5.2024 

The Tour4Youth project is a team effort between Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Kurzeme Planning Region and Pärnumaa Vocational Education Centre, funded by the Interreg Central Baltic programme. In general, Interreg programmes support the integration of border areas and wider, cross-border cooperation areas, as well as the creation and strengthening of networks between regions and cities. (“Interreg programmes | Structural funds”).

The Tour4Youth project supports young people between 15 to 24 years of age by offering career opportunities in the fields of tourism, hospitality and restaurant sector by providing career management skills, personal coaching, career counselling and opportunities via internships and employment events such as recruitment fairs and online events. The aim is to provide sustainable, quality careers for the youth in the field.  

The Tour4Youth project group had a project follow-up meeting in May 2024 in a municipality called Kuldīga, in Kurzeme (Courland) region of Latvia. Spring was catching up after a long winter so quickly, that it seemed like we jumped from winter straight to summer when travelling from Pori in Finland to Riga in Latvia. Our entourage included our project manager Tiina, project experts Jenna and Teija and tourism lecturer Jonna. 

We took off with a small plane from the tiny airport of Pori to Helsinki early in the morning and arrived in Riga only a few hours later, but our journey was just beginning. From Riga bus station a bus ride towards the medieval city began. We travelled through the beautiful and serene region of Jūrmala and probably all of us wondered in awe, how charming it would be to be here on a vacation and take a rest by the seaside on a beach after the dark winter. I was amazed just how close to Riga and easily accessible this paradise is and how I hadn’t fully acknowledged its existence before now. After all, Jūrmala has been famous for its spas and vacation destinations already from the 19th century. 

The bus ride took over 3 hours, but the scenery was beautiful; it resembled the Finnish countryside a lot, but at the same time it was somehow different. When you take a bus from Pori to Helsinki, it takes about the same time as from Riga to Kuldīga, but in Finland the route goes through highways. Here we got to see small and unique villages, green and yellow fields, cows on the field and local people living their lives. Tourist season had not yet begun, so we had the perfect timing to visit the country. 

When we arrived in our hotel in the afternoon, we experienced once again similarities to our Satakunta towns. This time especially Old Rauma, an UNESCO world heritage site from 1991. Old Rauma is the largest well preserved wooden built city district in the Nordic countries. Kuldīga old town has been selected in 2023 to UNESCO’s list. The old town has sustained the sands of time better than Latvia’s other medieval cities, and its history dates to the beginning of the 13th century. You can instantly feel calm and peaceful while strolling on the main street of the old city, admiring the architecture, window frames, beautiful churches, bridges, water elements and the atmosphere.  

On the first evening we visited the Venta Rapids, the widest waterfall in Europe (about 240 m). The river itself is called Venta and the waterfall rumbling across it, is named Ventas Rumba. As the waterfall is long in width, but not in height, wanderers can go and wade on the waterfall itself, or even take a refreshing shower under its cooling currents. You can best see the Rumba from a massive brick bridge, longest of the sort in Europe by the way.

Ventas Rumba is also known to be a pitstop for shoals of fish travelling up the river, but unfortunately, the time when the fish wonder upstream to mate had already passed. This sight would have been lovely to witness up close, but now it was left to another time.

Later we had dinner at a restaurant, and discovered we were sitting above The Alekšupīte canal. The canal was not much wider than the Rauma River back home, but it flowed through the old city right by the houses – and even under them. 

We got to keep the project meetings close to the town hall and next to the tourism information centre in the heart of the old town. It was pleasant to meet our project partners face to face and get to work together as a team pitching ideas and brainstorming. We had good insights on how young people respond to counselling in the project in different countries. Encouraging, guiding and sometimes gentle pushing is required in each country, however, each case has its nuances and might need tailoring.

The meeting days went by quickly, and the evenings even quicker, but luckily, we got a guided tour from KPR project manager Aija, where she told us more about the wonders of the old town. 

After the last meeting day was over, and after taking the three hours bus drive in afternoon traffic, we arrived back to Riga. After quickly rallying our strength, we summoned the troops for dinner in the old town and to watch the gut-wrenching hockey game between two mortal enemies: Finland and Sweden. Sadly, the suspenseful match ended to our disappointment in the Finnish team’s agonizing defeat. The pub accommodated both Swedes and Finns, who coexisted in peace, respectfully but loudly during the game. 

Riga old town is also found in the UNESCO World Heritage site list since 1997. Riga has been the major centre and port for the Hanseatic league and its history starts from the beginning of the 13th century. The core of the city dates back to medieval times, built and maintained through centuries with respect to the stunning architecture and cultural heritage.

We had an opportunity to briefly explore the wonders of the streets before heading to the airport on our last day in Latvia. Being in a big city however was not as calm as in Kuldīga, as the tourists had already found their way there. Probably they thought the same about the picture snapping Finnish women. A longing to visit Latvia again was left within our hearts. 

Travelling back home took a bit longer than arriving due to delayed flights and longer waiting periods, but back in Pori we discovered spring had arrived in Finland too. Consequently, we were greeted by a mellow spring rain, which had luckily watered the plants. Next, the same entourage travels to a Tour4Youth project meeting to Estonia in the fall.  

Meanwhile, we continue doing our best to support young people reaching employment. If you fit to the category, or you have vacancies for internships, please be in contact via website and follow us on Facebook

Until next time! 

Text: Teija Nuurma, Researcher, SAMK Center for Tourism Business Development
Pictures: Jenna Turpeinen, Teija Nuurma and Jonna Huuhka


Gaining knowledge from industry experts

As an international tourism student, I got the opportunity to participate in lectures by visiting lecturers, who are experts in the hotel and coffee industry through the Culinary Experiences course. Mr. Janne Larisuo, who has many years of experience in the hotel industry, shared with us his experiences at Yyteri Spa & Hotel and the challenges in the hotel industry. In addition, I was able to participate the Mr. Jani Wahlman’s lecture, who is an expert in the coffee industry. By participating in this lecture, I was able to get rid of the wrong image I had in my mind about coffee.

Strategic marketing in Yyteri Spa & Hotel and understanding the significance of the target group awareness in restaurant operations

Yyteri Spa & Hotel is a famous hotel in Finland. It offers a unique blend of hospitality services. The Yyteri Spa & Hotel is in the Satakunta region, and it is surrounded by the sea. It is a very popular 4-star hotel and there are 115 rooms. One of their goals is to increase the number of rooms and make their name a brand in Finland in the hotel industry.

One of the important and interesting points for me in his lecture was “why we should be aware of the target group in restaurant operations.” As Mr. Janne Larisuo stated in the lecture, to be successful the business must be aware of the target group. Accordingly, they have identified families, couples, groups, events, B2B customers, and subsidized guests as their target group. They expect many customers in the summer season.

Moreover, to be aware of the target group in restaurant operations, and by identifying large customer groups, it is possible to meet the needs of those customers easily. Also, by identifying target groups, targeted strategies can be implemented. For that, the behaviour and preferences of the groups should be known. In addition, the restaurant can be arranged and decorated attractively by knowing the target group in advance. Due to that customers will be happy and will be able to win their attention to the business. Through that, it is possible to get high responses from customers and it also leads to customer retention. As a result, it is easy to manage the restaurant staff and the company can work to minimize waste. Also, waste management contributes to the sustainability and profitability of the business.

How my perspective on coffee evolved: From bitter brew to beloved ritual

I remember that I was a person who did not like drinking coffee since my childhood. But I am happy after attending Mr. Jani Wahlman’s lecture, because my perspective changed completely. I had identified coffee as a very bitter tasting drink, but the reason for that was due to some mistakes I made in making coffee.

I learned at the beginning of the lecture how to add the right amount of water to coffee. Because it was said that it is a major part that should be paid attention to and when he said that the way of adding water has a great effect on the taste and quality of coffee, I was able to identify the first mistake I made when making coffee. Moreover, he also told us how to use clean pots, that there are bad coffee beans, and how freshness affects the taste. Before, I did not know that the grinder process affects the taste of coffee. Accordingly, it became clear to me that my previous attempts at making coffee were not successful.

In addition, people all over the world are very fond of drinking coffee and I got to know from this lecture that the people of Finland, where I currently live, are also very fond of drinking coffee. Also, he said that the nutrients in coffee bring fresh energy to the body, and I got to know why the coffee I had made before had lost its taste. However, when I listened to the lecture, I became interested in drinking coffee again. Also, while he answered the questions asked by the students, he said that the “Geisha “is the best coffee brand and it has an unusual taste. I came to know that for the first time. I am impatient to taste it at the Geisha coffee brand.

Accordingly, the guest lecture completely changed my misunderstood thoughts about coffee, and it is just a useful drink for me and my family. I used the knowledge gained from the lecture to make coffee, and I was able to drink coffee very deliciously by making coffee in the right way, and now I am enjoying to drinking coffee thrice per day. Due to that, I should be thankful for this lecture because when I’m drinking coffee, I feel that my body is getting energy and is not lethargic, and this knowledge gained made me experience the flavours of the coffee brands.

In conclusion by participating in such expert lectures, my knowledge was nourished and as a tourism student my goal is to become a hotel manager. Due to that I can believe that I can effectively use the knowledge gained from these lectures for my future career. Therefore, I would like to thank the lecturers Mr. Janne Larisuo and Mr. Jani Wahlman, and teacher Heini Korvenkangas who gave me this opportunity.

Text and pictures: Imalka Wathudura, first year International Tourism Management student

Space Tourism – A Ticket to Space

If you are fan of “Avengers” franchise, then you must be having some ideas about how things happen in the space. But, to have a real outer space experience like an Avenger, would be absolutely marvel-lous!

The concept / idea has been there for quite some time and owing to companies like SpaceX (Elon Musk), Blue Origin (Jeff Bezos), Virgin Galactic (Sir Richard Branson) and Axiom Space, I believe this dream would be a reality for not-so-common people in near future.

Picture: Pixabay

Exploring new horizons

Space travel or tourism is no longer a science fiction that we see only in Hollywood movies. This segment has gained a remarkable attention during the recent past. The concept of space travel & tourism dates back to early 1960s when the Russians were having the idea of sending ordinary people (non-astronauts) to space, especially after Yuri Gagarin.

Though there were setbacks in initial stages due to funding constraints and safety measures as well as due to lack of technology, the outlook of the industry is promising as there are a few numbers of private companies leading the industry towards a common goal, making space tourism a reality.                     

“You want to wake up in the morning and think the future is going to be great – and that’s what being a spacefaring civilization is all about. It’s about believing in the future and thinking that the future will be better than the past. And I can’t think of anything more exciting than going out there and being among the stars.” – Elon Musk

The future of space tourism

The main constraint for space travel is the cost factor. The safety concern is also there. An enormous amount of work and innovation is required to build mixed-use destinations for commerce, research, tourism, and more. Above mentioned companies are working mainly with NASA, other big companies which has interested in space travel as well as the universities, to make this vision a reality.

The goal of space tourism is becoming more realistic as these private enterprises keep innovating and pushing the limits of space travel. A new era in the history of human discovery is rapidly approaching when common people can set off on their own journeys into the galaxy.

Picture: Pixabay


Space tourism is all about reaching beyond the boundaries of our planet for leisure purposes. This offers an opportunity for common people to experience the awesomeness of space, witness magnificent views, and experience low gravity, which only the Astronauts had the luxury of having.

Space tourism will be an incredible event that will make a lasting impression on everyone who is fortunate enough to embark on such a journey.

Text: Tharindu Nirmala Karunasooriya Arachchi Appuhamilage, first year International Tourism Management student
Pictures: Pixabay

Kulttuurierot Marokossa

Kun matkustan uuteen maahan, haluan etsiä matkakohteesta tietoa, jotta tiedän edes hieman maan kulttuurista ja ihmisten toimintatavoista, mikä on suotavaa ja mikä taas ei. Kulttuurierojen huomaaminen avaa silmiä ja maailmaa sekä eri kulttuureja. Ne saavat myös pohtimaan sitä, mikä omassa kulttuurissa on arvostettavaa.

Todellisen kulttuurishokin koin Marokossa, missä lähes kaikki oli päinvastaista Suomeen verrattuna. Taksimatka lentokentältä hotellille oli kuin vuoristorata, sillä vauhtia riitti ja tilanteisiin syöksyttiin hurjapäisesti. Taksimme pujotteli autojen, jalankulkijoiden, mopojen ja kamelien välissä, eikä autossa ollut turvavöitä, mikä lisäsi entisestään turvattomuuden tunnetta. Ruuhka-aikana kulkuneuvojen torvet soivat, mikä sekin on outoa suomalaisen näkökulmasta, koska Suomessa olemme tottuneet käyttämään sitä vain, kun sille on tarvetta.

Kulttuurissa korostui erityisesti läheinen ihmiskontakti, koska lähes joka tilanteessa ihmiset tulivat lähelle ja tunnelma oli muutenkin erittäin tuttavallinen. Tämä johtuu varmastikin maan kulttuurista ja siitä, että suomalaisina emme ole tottuneet tällaiseen. Jopa katukauppiaat yrittäessään myydä tavaroitaan olivat tuttavallisia. Huomasin asian kuitenkin turistien kohdalla ja heihin kohdistuneesta huomiosta.

Tämän lisäksi paikalliset olivat hyvin innokkaita puhumaan turisteille heidän kielellään ja joskus keinot huomion herättämiseksi olivat suhteellisen äärimmäisiä, koska joskus saattoi kuulla suomalaisille tutut v- ja p-alkuiset voimasanat. Tämä oli aluksi huvittavaakin, mutta loman loppua kohden ainainen tavaroiden tuputtaminen, suomenkielen matkiminen ja hieman liiankin läheiset tilanteet saivat pääni pyörälle.

Toisen maan kulttuuri voi siis todella yllättää, jos ei tiedä mitä vastassa  on!

Teksti: Noora Savimäki, Matkailuliiketoiminnan ensimmäisen vuoden opiskelija
Kuvat: Pixabay

Believe me: Pori is a wellness paradise!

If you give a damn about your wellness and you love the sea, you need to be studying in Pori. Yes, you read that right.

Pori is often portrayed as a working-class city, where one ends up in a drunken fight, while picking up late-night snack from a grill kiosk. While there is no denying this scenario could be witnessed in the night of Pori, I would like to share my experiences from this actually quite charming city by the Bothnian Sea, as someone who moved from another city to Pori to study International Tourism Management mids the global coronavirus pandemic in 2020.

Wellness is a term often mixed up with well-being, even though there is a stark difference between the two. As the Global Wellness Institute (GWI) describes: ”Wellness is the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health”, meanwhile well-being is the state of being satisfied with ones condition of existing.

As I settled down in Pori in 2020, I did not have much prior knowledge of the city and what it has to offer nor was I too concerned on my well-being. Before starting my academic journey, I assumed the upcoming student life would revolve around bar-hopping and taking part in student events. I came to realize that the experiences were stolen from us, due to us living mids the global pandemic. As the result, the events were cancelled and the restaurants were forced to keep their doors shut. It was a bummer, but I came to see, it might have been a blessing in disguise.

Many refer the world-shocking virus acting as a ”global value resetter”, making us more aware of our well-being and health. As many Finns alike, I turned into the nature to source well-being. I ventured local places, such as the picturesque island of Reposaari, which idyllic wooden houses and rocky shores enchanted me from the first glimpse. I had long winter walks along the Scandinavia’s longest beach dunes of Yyteri, and explored the rage of the ocean on a lighthouse island of Kallo.

After having a walk on the shores of the Bothnian Bay, I felt as I had taken a class from some world-renowed mindfulness guru, due to the the feeling of complete relaxation of my mind and body. Not only was my tensity gone, but I felt more competent as a student, which I believe, also reflected on my academic success.

Do we need another global crisis to be able to value our well-being? Can we all just make it a norm to incorporate the active pursuit of health into our lives and aim to the best versions of ourselves?

As someone who was hesitant to take the leap mids pandemic and accept a study place in a small city like Pori, I would not change a thing. The wellness sourced from breathing in the fresh sea air, walking along the scenic coastline while listening the pace of the waves provides much longer lasting well-being than few Gin Tonics at a local club. And I have even finally become in terms with the Jackdaws keeping me up all night by screezing their lungs out behind my window.

Text and photos: Liisa Kemppainen, soon-to-be-graduating International Tourism Management student

A childhood memory: Coffee and family time

It was a pleasure listening to our visiting lecturer Mr. Jani Wahlman’s illustrative speech about the world’s most wonderful and popular beverage, coffee, and how much it does make an impact on human life.  It was very relevant and inspired me to pen these words.

Coffee is a beverage brewed from the roasted and ground seeds of the tropical evergreen coffee plant.  Coffee is one of the three most popular beverages in the world (alongside water and tea), and it is one of the most profitable international commodities (Myhrvold, 2024).

“Most of us have fond memories of food from our childhood.  Whether it was our mom’s homemade lasagne or a memorable chocolate birthday cake, food has a way of transporting us back to the past”. – Homaro Cantu (Henry, 2024)

I remember fondly, the way our grandmas treated coffee (kopi) making at home for domestic use.  We had about 10 coffee plants in our backyard, well-grown, which used to produce healthy fruits during the season.  From white flowering, turning into the fruit in darker green, and slowly transforming the colour to yellowish orange and finally to the darkest red,  giving the indication that it was ready for harvesting. 

As children, we all joined the process of tasting the ripped fruits, harvesting and cleaning.  Sun drying was the drying process, and it was our job to protect the fruits from rain, birds and other animals who too got attracted to this wonderful fruit.  Then only the frying and pounding would take place for final consumption and this used to happen in almost every household in my area. 

It was a beautiful memory that I went through during the lecture on coffee.  I still can remember the aroma of freshly brewed coffee we used to have in the mornings and evenings with a piece of aluwa (a Sri Lankan traditional sweet). I have realized how far I have come from that culture after I have moved to Finland, to walk to a supermarket to buy a packet of coffee, or to a coffee house to taste a cup of luxurious style cup of coffee, while tasting a lovely cinnamon swirl pound piece of cake.              

The lecture was a revelation and drove me to rethink how important coffee is as a beverage to the world and to the economies, how it has become an important part of human life, mostly as a dominant beverage or as a booster to an energetic day.

In addition to its economic significance, coffee cultures hold a significant place in the world as they all have a story to tell about rich histories and cultures (Malltong Pty Ltd, 2023).  Gahwa, Arabic Coffee, is a symbol of generosity, and serving it, comes as a ritual.  Most of the Arabic houses have specific settings in front of their houses with beautiful and colourful interiors to sit and taste coffee in the evening with plates full of sweets and dates, while chitchatting and listening to music, which is a must in their day-to-day schedule. 

I think I now admire this wonderful beverage way more than earlier, as it creates beautiful memories to cherish in human life than any other irrespective of how old you are and among whom.  Coffee is magical because it smells good and tastes great! 

Text and pictures: Anupama De Silva, second year student of International Tourism Management


Henry, P. (2024). Quotes About Childhood To Reflect On. Betterhelp.
Malltong Pty Ltd. (2023). The history and cultural significance of coffee. Lygon Coffee.
Myhrvold, N. (2024). Coffee. Britannica.