A childhood memory: Coffee and family time

It was a pleasure listening to our visiting lecturer Mr. Jani Wahlman’s illustrative speech about the world’s most wonderful and popular beverage, coffee, and how much it does make an impact on human life.  It was very relevant and inspired me to pen these words.

Coffee is a beverage brewed from the roasted and ground seeds of the tropical evergreen coffee plant.  Coffee is one of the three most popular beverages in the world (alongside water and tea), and it is one of the most profitable international commodities (Myhrvold, 2024).

“Most of us have fond memories of food from our childhood.  Whether it was our mom’s homemade lasagne or a memorable chocolate birthday cake, food has a way of transporting us back to the past”. – Homaro Cantu (Henry, 2024)

I remember fondly, the way our grandmas treated coffee (kopi) making at home for domestic use.  We had about 10 coffee plants in our backyard, well-grown, which used to produce healthy fruits during the season.  From white flowering, turning into the fruit in darker green, and slowly transforming the colour to yellowish orange and finally to the darkest red,  giving the indication that it was ready for harvesting. 

As children, we all joined the process of tasting the ripped fruits, harvesting and cleaning.  Sun drying was the drying process, and it was our job to protect the fruits from rain, birds and other animals who too got attracted to this wonderful fruit.  Then only the frying and pounding would take place for final consumption and this used to happen in almost every household in my area. 

It was a beautiful memory that I went through during the lecture on coffee.  I still can remember the aroma of freshly brewed coffee we used to have in the mornings and evenings with a piece of aluwa (a Sri Lankan traditional sweet). I have realized how far I have come from that culture after I have moved to Finland, to walk to a supermarket to buy a packet of coffee, or to a coffee house to taste a cup of luxurious style cup of coffee, while tasting a lovely cinnamon swirl pound piece of cake.              

The lecture was a revelation and drove me to rethink how important coffee is as a beverage to the world and to the economies, how it has become an important part of human life, mostly as a dominant beverage or as a booster to an energetic day.

In addition to its economic significance, coffee cultures hold a significant place in the world as they all have a story to tell about rich histories and cultures (Malltong Pty Ltd, 2023).  Gahwa, Arabic Coffee, is a symbol of generosity, and serving it, comes as a ritual.  Most of the Arabic houses have specific settings in front of their houses with beautiful and colourful interiors to sit and taste coffee in the evening with plates full of sweets and dates, while chitchatting and listening to music, which is a must in their day-to-day schedule. 

I think I now admire this wonderful beverage way more than earlier, as it creates beautiful memories to cherish in human life than any other irrespective of how old you are and among whom.  Coffee is magical because it smells good and tastes great! 

Text and pictures: Anupama De Silva, second year student of International Tourism Management


Henry, P. (2024). Quotes About Childhood To Reflect On. Betterhelp.
Malltong Pty Ltd. (2023). The history and cultural significance of coffee. Lygon Coffee.
Myhrvold, N. (2024). Coffee. Britannica.

Memories of Tampere

When I plan to visit a new place, it always makes me feel wonderful. When I heard that we were going to visit Tampere in our Tourism and Culture course, it made me excited because I wanted to go to Tampere since I arrived in Finland. So, this was like a gift for me.

The day we went to Tampere it welcomed us with snow. However, the cold wind and snow are not obstacles for us to explore and enjoy the culture, nature, and beauty of Tampere.

The Beauty of Pispala

We started our journey in Tampere from Pispala. Pispala is one of the most beautiful areas in Tampere. If someone wants to relax and enjoy nature this is the best place to visit Tampere.

While it was snowing, walking along a small street surrounded by colorful wooden houses was like walking through a chapter of a storybook. The top-of-view point of Pispala is breathtaking. From there we could see the shining water lakes called Näsijärvi and Pyhäjärvi. There were small islands full of trees in the middle of the lake. In other sights, we could see colorful small wooden houses. The whole view was like a piece of art.

Adorable moments at the art museum

After we said goodbye to Pispala, we went to the Tampere Art Museum through the snow. This is the first time I have been to that kind of art museum. It was a fresh experience for all my friends. On the ground floor, there were dark rooms with small floating lightning words everywhere. Before I went there, I read about this place, and it said it was like a space trip, and of course it was.

Upstairs, there were lots of awesome and adorable pieces of art representing Tuula Lehtinen’s long and diverse career. The themes of her art were colorful flower paintings, landscapes, decorative porcelain objects, curtains, lace, and queens of world histories. Their color combination is wonderful and elegant. I don’t have a deep vision of art to give a deep interpretation about them, but as a person I fell in love with those arts and I enjoyed her works.

Steps towards Kauppahalli Market Hall

Before we went to Kauppahalli Market Hall we did some group work about this place at the classroom, therefore I had a clear imagination about this place and it was the same as I thought.

There are so many fresh vegetables and fruit stalls, restaurants from different countries such as Spain, France, Italy, etc. full of delicious foods, and a nice atmosphere. As well as there was a small wine bar and coffee shops. If we are food lovers and want to enjoy different kinds of food this is the best place to experience various kinds of tasty foods in one place in Tampere.

Labor Museum

In our journey we are lucky enough to visit the Finnish Labor Museum Werstas. It is a place anyone must not miss while visiting Tampere. It’s not just a museum, it’s all about the story of how Finnish society builds wealth and prosperity. As a student, the things I learned about finishing history will help me to understand Finnish culture and society more deeply.

Life lessons

Our visit to Tampere was not only an educational visit to me but also, I experienced and learned wonderful and valuable things in this journey. The things I learned from this visit will add more colors to my life journey. The moments I spent there will be remembered forever.

One day is not enough to learn about wonderful Tampere and I hope to be there again. So in the evening when it was again while snowing, we said goodbye to Tampere with a promise that I would come soon again.

Text and pictures: Chathuri Warnakulasuriya Patabandige, first year student of International Tourism Management

Ice swimming in Finland

Hey everyone! I am Maria Mengual Renart, a Spanish exchange student from Málaga. During my exchange studies at SAMK I really liked the Well-being from Blue Spaces course and I am going to explain you why.

Overall, I have studied and for instance learned more about the positive effects of water to the well-being of people and also the environment.

My favourite part was getting to know more about what activities are helpful for people, like anti-stressing stuff, or increasing the circulation of our blood.

If you had never thought about it like me, now you know that water makes a huge impact in our life. Some of these activities that helps us are; ice swimming, spa treatments, saunas, thermal baths, ice fishing, even just walking down along the beachside and enjoying the sound of the sea will make a change of your mood and for instance it will helps you.

The girl in the picture is me when I tried for the first-time ice swimming! It was such a funny and enriching experience. After doing it, I felt like a whole new person!

Did you know that water also helps our skin? Well, yes, it does. Water helps to moisturize, refresh, clean and also helps to improve the texture and appearance of the skin. There are a lot of cosmetics that uses water as their main ingredient, for example, micellar water, which is a facial cleanser that uses the natural attraction of micelles (tiny particles that attract dirt and oils) to cleanse skin without leaving a greasy residue. Additionally, water can help balance the skin’s pH, which can help reduce the appearance of large pores and improve skin texture.

This picture shows a micellar water of a famous Finnish brand Lumene that I discovered during my stay in Finland.

On the whole, I have learned a lot of new things about the impacts of water that I didn’t know before and I hope I have helped you to realise some of these great effects that water provide us!

Text: Maria Mengual Renart, en exchange student in SAMK International Tourism Management degree programme

Miksi valitsin matkailun?

Matkustaminen on aina ollut tärkeää perheelleni. Ukillani on aikoinaan ollut jopa oma matkatoimisto. Ehkä tämän takia myös vanhempani ovat aina olleet innokkaita matkustelijoita ja sen seurauksena matkakuume on myös tarttunut minuun.

Olin ensimmäisen kerran ulkomailla Kreikassa 8-vuotiaana. Matka oli varmasti yksi mieleenpainuvimmista, olihan se kuitenkin ensimmäinen kerta lentokoneessa ja vieraassa maassa. Muistan, kuinka leikin hotellin uima-altaalla aina saman italiaisen tytön kanssa ja kuinka altaan keskellä oli baari, josta sai lettuja oman maun mukaan. Näin melkein 15 vuotta myöhemmin on hauskaa ajatella, miten erilaisesta näkökulmasta nykyään näen matkustamisen.

Lapsena matkustaminen tarkoitti loputonta jäätelön syömistä ja uima-altaissa uiskentelua ilman huolen häivää seuraavasta päivästä tai edes seuraavasta tunnista. Nykyään matkustaminen merkitsee minulle paljon muutakin kuin vain rantatuolilla loikoilemista. Matkustaminen on minulle uusiin kulttuureihin tutustumista ja uuden oppimista. Olen lähestulkoon aina matkustanut perheeni kanssa, mutta nyt helmikuussa matkustin ensimmäistä kertaa Barcelonaan poikaystäväni kanssa kahdestaan.

Ikimuistoisia hetkiä

Olen kiitollinen vanhemmilleni, että he ovat mahdollistaneet matkustamisen ulkomaille. Ilman sitä en ehkä ikinä olisi edes harkinnut lähteväni opiskelemaan matkailualaa korkeakoulussa. Jos totta puhutaan, en edes ollut lukiossa hirveän tietoinen siitä, että matkailua pystyy opiskelemaan. Tuntui siltä, että lukiossa puhuttiin aina vain yliopistoon menemisestä. Kun toisella välivuodellani aloin tarkemmin tutkia asiaa, minulle kävi hyvin selväksi, että haluaisin opiskella restonomiksi.

Matkustaminen on antanut minulle paljon erilaisia kokemuksia elämässä. Olen käynyt semmoisissakin maissa, kuten Venäjällä tanssikisoissa, joihin en olisi itse ikinä päättänyt matkustaa. Sain sieltä kuitenkin sen verran unohtumattoman kokemuksen, niin ei ainakaan toista kertaa tarvitse mennä.

Nizzassa käynti puoli vuotta terrori-iskun jälkeen taas antoi ihan erilaisen perspektiivin elämään, kun kaduilla kulki jatkuvasti raskaisiin varusteisiin pukeutuneita sotilaita. Brittiläisiin tutustuminen 15-vuotiaana Lanzarotella taas antoi minulle rohkeutta puhua englantia. En luultavasti uskaltaisi puhua englantia näin rohkeasti, jos en olisi matkustellut niin paljon.

Matkailua tulevaisuudessa

Unelmani on aina ollut asua jonkun aikaa ulkomailla. Haluaisin kokea, millaista on asua ja työskennellä, jossakin täysin vieraassa maassa. Haluaisin matkustaa myös Pariisiin. Olen käynyt Ranskassa kaksi kertaa, mutta en ikinä Pariisissa. Lisäksi onhan Yhdysvalloissa pakko käydä ainakin kerran elämässä. Haluan nähdä, millaista se elämä siellä rapakon toisella puolella oikeasti on.

Uskon ja toivon, että tulen tulevaisuudessakin matkustamaan uusiin maihin, vaikka lentäminen pelottaakin. Ehkä joskus valmistumisen jälkeen, pystyn vihdoin toteuttamaan unelman ulkomailla asumisesta.

Teksti ja kuvat: Jade Nieminen, ensimmäisen vuoden matkailuliiketoiminnan opiskelija

Visit to Yyteri Beach – experience the healing power of water

I went to Yyteri beach with some friends in October, and it was an experience I will never forget. I started my trip in Pori, which is one of the greatest places near the sea. I had never before gone close to the ocean. I had never seen the vast blue sea before. Yyteri Beach, in my opinion, is a hidden gem with a unique blend of pristine surroundings.

I was astounded by the shoreline’s magnificence and the surrounding scenery when I first arrived. The environment was serene and calm, and the place was remarkably clean. The fact that the site was totally sustainable benefits next generations.

I think that any trip to Finland must include a visit to Yyteri Beach. Me and my friend were just sensing the energy. I just stood and watched the waves for a short while, taking in their sounds. The ships that were arriving and the crispness of the wind hitting me made my day. I had only heard theoretical information about the beneficial effects of water before this trip, but this actual visit made it clearer to me how beneficial water is for healing.

Blue spaces are defined as any natural or artificial water-related habitat, including lakes, rivers, swimming pools, oceans, and so on, as we have learned. The importance of nature and blue spaces in our lives was the most fascinating thing I learned during my studies.

According to studies, spending time in blue environments enhances one’s sense of wellbeing and lowers stress, anxiety, and sadness. It’s a fantastic way to get back from the hectic everyday life and the digital world.

As is well known, there is a wonderful, serene setting by the water, complete with the sound of breaking waves, which is truly mind-refreshing. This pushes us to live in the moment and let go of our fears. I was only concentrating on the surrounding environment when I was at the beach, which allowed us to become more conscious of our feelings and ideas. All in all, that trip helped me to enhance my wellbeing.

When discussing the therapeutic properties of water, swimming is the most effective activity. It offers numerous, priceless benefits. Regular swimming enhances the quality of our sleep by regulating our sleep patterns, according to research. We all know how crucial sleep is to maintain both our physical and mental well-being. The sound of running water has a very soothing effect that eases stress and promotes calmness in our minds.

There are further scientific advantages to swimming as well. Research indicates that swimming releases endorphins, which are naturally occurring mood enhancers that can help reduce symptoms of fear and hopelessness. It also serves as a kind of replacement for individuals who are unable to engage in other sports or hobbies like weightlifting, cycling, trekking, and so forth. People congregate in swimming locations, which presents opportunities to interact with people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and wellbeing practices. All in all, it’s a fantastic method for enhancing our mental well-being.

Text and pictures: Shahbaj Husen Khan, first year student in International Tourism Management

From sand to snow

”The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only one page”, said Saint Augustine. These words ignited my passion for travel and gave me the courage to travel the world. Let me share my story with you briefly.

Exchange programme at SAMK

I chose to study as an exchange student in SAMK back in the year 2020 following the advice of my department coordinator in my home university in Turkey. Little did I know that this decision, initially made for a brief change of scenery, would shape my life, and guide me toward a fulfilling career.

The International Tourism Management program broadened my vision of the tourism industry. The program’s unique approach, emphasizing self-directed learning over traditional methods, opened my eyes to new perspectives. We were creating groups to discuss our ideas, and we developed projects and organising events, which became the keystones of my education. The Finnish culture and the warmth of its people have left a lasting impression on me and made me revisit the country.

Tour guiding in Dubai

After completing the exchange program, I had the opportunity to take a role as a tourist guide in Dubai, particularly within the conservation reserve surrounded by amazing nature and wildlife. This was a really challenging environment for me. However, the excitement of learning became the best motivator to overcome these challenges easily. The dunes of the desert became my classroom and my office.

Lapland adventure: guiding under the Northern Lights

The next chapter of my life continues in Lapland, Finland, where I am guiding beneath the beautiful Aurora Borealis. As a safari guide, I found myself leading excursions in snowmobiling, exploring the artistry ice exhibitions at the SnowVillage, ice fishing on frozen lakes and enjoying the white silence during snowshoeing in the snowy surroundings.

However, it wasn’t that easy to do these things without fundamental survival tactics. Fortunately I met with a colleague who helped me to navigate the challenges in the wilderness. Together, we discovered that survival skills extend beyond the practical. Dumitru’s wisdom not only equipped me with essential wilderness know-how but also cultivated a friendship that transcends the trials of the wild.

My journey in starting from the exchange program at SAMK has taken me not only to different places on the map but also to different points in hearts and minds. I look forward to living every moment, continuing to learn, and eagerly exploring this world.

I invite everyone to go on a journey to be open to new experiences and to see the world with different eyes!

Text and pictures: Behlül Akgün

The author is SAMK tourism exchange programme alumni, who has kept in touch with SAMK and returned to work in Finland

Learning from the industry experts

As part of our Culinary Experiences course, I had the privilege of listening to two guest lectures by two experts in the field. Janne Larisuo, Hotel Manager of Yyteri Hotel & Spa, shared with us the journey of revitalizing Yyteri Hotel to what it is today with his combination of insight and great experience in the face of various challenges.

Moreover, coffee expert Jani Wahlman took coffee to an unknown dimension by leading an enchanting exploration. I offer my heartfelt thanks to both Janne and Jani for nurturing us with knowledge!

A journey with Janne Larisuo

Yyteri Hotel & Spa, which has been in operation for more than 50 years, is situated in a quiet natural setting on a stunning beach in the Satakunta region of Finland, approximately 18 kilometres from the city of Pori.

A new chapter in 2017 was opened by Janne Larisuo, who unfolded the story of the revival of the Yyteri Hotel in his lecture given to us in January 2024.

Yyteri Spa Hotel

Janne said the arduous journey of ongoing reforms was delayed by the unexpected shadow casted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Under Janne’s stewardship, the hotel has expanded to a total of hundred fifteen rooms by adding two new suites with modern facilities. It appears that this is a tourist’s paradise during summer. I listened with interest as he presented the progress of his business. ”My goal is to increase the revenue and to increase the number of rooms,” Janne stated.

Obviously, we all know that places like Lapland and Helsinki are considered top tourist destinations in Finland. However, Janne described the profile of customers visiting his hotel as follows: ”Yyteri Beach is one of Finland’s most attractive beaches, but it’s remarkable that more than ninety percent of our potential guests are from within a three-hour drive.”

In addition, Yyteri’s consumer segments were presented and accordingly there were four main consumer segments. Clients span a wide range from business clients, couples, subsidized vacationers, and loving families.

Restaurant services at the Yyteri resort

Janne revealed that Yyteri’s main source of income lies in its culinary talent. ”Food and beverages contribute fifty percent to annual revenue, making it the base of our revenue stream” he stressed. Yyteri has two restaurants within the Yyteri Hotel, a beach restaurant called Helmi during the summer, and many facilities including a gym, spa, and sauna. Accordingly, it is clear that Yyteri has reached an important milestone in the tourism industry, while celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2024.

Being aware of the target groups in restaurant operations helps in the success of the business. By understanding the different levels of customers, their preferences, and the services they expect to receive, they are able to provide superior service. Every aspect of the dining experience must be aligned with the expectations of target customers, such as tailoring menus to suit different demographics, setting up the restaurant premises, and making necessary purchases. Because it not only increases the income and profit compared to the operating cost of the restaurant, but also reduces unnecessary waste and runs a sustainable business. Ultimately, being aware of target groups can increase customer satisfaction, foster loyalty, develop long-term relationships, and provide memorable services to customers.

Discovering the world of coffee with an expert

Reflecting on Jani Wahlman’s fascinating lecture on coffee, I began to note down thoughts about it. I feel like I am drowning in an ocean of coffee with the rich aromas and delicious flavours that truly exist in coffee.

Although I am not much of a coffee lover, Jani’s presentation was a great opportunity to add to the book my knowledge of the art and facts of making the perfect and quality cup of coffee. It is a great opportunity to explore the facts about coffee while experiencing the world’s largest coffee-drinking country. Join me on a coffee quest!

While making the perfect cup of coffee requires the right proportions of coffee powder, the amount of water and the cleanliness of the equipment, everything contributes to the final flavour profile. Jani’s extensive knowledge and experience with coffee lead to a proper understanding of this process.

Among the world’s most popular coffees, Jamaica’s Blue Mountain coffee stands out among quality brands. I never knew there was such a wide range of coffees. However, I was surprised when Jani explained it. His presentation made me realize that the world of coffee is truly diverse and rich in complexity. There are over 50 varieties, including Arabica and Robusta as the original varieties, and many sub-varieties such as Gesha, Typica and Bourbon. There is a curiosity to know what the flavours of all these are.

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee. Picture: https://www.beaches.com/blog/jamaica-travel-tips-dos-donts/

The methods of making coffee are also very complex. Sometimes I think it is not as easy as drinking tea. Pouring methods have gone beyond traditional methods to French press, modern machine brewing methods. Meanwhile, coffee lovers can enjoy an ocean of different flavours and aromas. Not only sweet, bitter, salty, sour flavours, but also fruity, spicy, floral, nutty, and chocolate-like aromas provide a wonderful experience.

However, amidst all the praise for coffee, it must be remembered about its consequences. Jani explained it by adding an experience he had. ”One day I drank a lot of coffee all at once to test myself. I felt my heartbeat faster” he said. Since coffee is a highly caffeinated beverage, those seeking a good night’s sleep would like to fondly remember that they should not drink coffee close to bedtime.

Broadening my mindset on coffee

Jani Wahlman’s guest lecture significantly changed my vague picture of coffee. I really do not like coffee very much. But now I have an interest in trying different flavours of coffee. I gained some insight into the factors that go into making a good cup of coffee. Jani’s exploration of the diverse range of coffee producing countries expanded my knowledge of the global reach and impact of coffee cultivation. Also, introducing the different flavours and aromas of coffee broadened my enjoyment. I did not know that caffeinated beverages can make the heart beat faster and I also learned how to maintain good health while consuming beverages like coffee.

In conclusion, encounters with guest speakers like Janne Larisuo and Jani Wahlman as real-world experts not only foster industry-specific knowledge but also lead to curiosity for a deeper study of the hospitality and culinary industries by sharing their experiences. By sharing their expertise, these guest lectures bridge the knowledge gap between theoretical and practical in our learning journey.

Text: Dona Sameera Welivita, first year International Tourism Management student

Why I chose Finland as my exchange destination

I never imagined I would get to live in Finland for a while. But life gave me the opportunity and I feel very lucky. “Why Finland?”, many people asked me when they knew I was coming to study here and I always answered with ”it’s very different from what I’m used to” (and also because I love Christmas and we all know it’s Santa’s country). And yes, it was different from what I imagined!

My arrival was a bit catastrophic (we can sum it up in delayed flights and missed trains), but I didn’t know all the good things that were waiting for me to experience. I started meeting people from all over the world, learning about Finnish culture, exploring the corners of Pori, visiting other cities… And the more things I did, the more I became attached to this country.

I have to admit that when I arrived, the language seemed very different and fun (spoiler: it still does), but that curiosity is what motivated me to learn what little I know, although I hope to learn a lot more. In this semester, I have learned so many new things.

Leaving my comfort zone and moving to a place where everything is different is very enriching, even being away from my loved ones, although there are days when I am more nostalgic and perhaps sad for not sharing moments with them, I realise what a treasure I have because I know that they are always there despite the distance. Besides, I have created another family with the people I have met here.

The university and the study method used was another of the things that surprised me the most. The companionship, the support and trust between students and teachers, the way the syllabus is explained, among many other things, I think is brilliant. SAMK University is very good and it is an honour for me to be studying here.

One of the things that stands out from this semester is that I was able to fulfil one of my dreams: to meet Santa and visit Lapland. The excitement and joy I had during the whole trip is inexplicable. I was a little girl again. When I met Santa I brought him the first Christmas letter that my 2 year old niece had ever made, so it was a very emotional moment for me.

I had never seen it snow the way it snowed in Lapland, it was magical. Also, I saw the reindeer for the first time and tried the Finnish experience of going to the sauna, jumping in the snow and coming back to the sauna, and it is a painful but amazing feeling at the same time. I had hoped to see the Northern Lights, but it was not to be. I hope to see them one day and cross it off my wish list.

I still have another semester left (the coldest, by the way), so the anecdotes and new experiences do not end here, but it is true that the first half of my stay here is coming to an end. I hope that this country will continue to give me other experiences and memories. And if you ask me now ”Why Finland?”, I will answer: ”Because it is a very different country to what I am used to, and because it is a country that gives you very good moments and a great learning experience, and because I also love Christmas and Santa”. That’s why I chose Finland.

Kiitos, Finland!

Text: Ines-Marina Pinero-Landaeta, exchange student from Universidad de la Laguna
Pictures: Pixabay

Matkailun parhaat palat: kulttuuri, ihmiset ja matka itsessään


Minusta parasta matkailussa on kulttuurierot. En ole ehtinyt elämäni aikana paljon harrastamaan vapaa-ajan matkaamista, mutta olen käynyt jonkin verran ulkomailla vanhan harrastukseni puolesta. Kisareissujen aikana varsinkin näki isoimpia eroja maiden välillä, kun ei valittu kaikista kalleinta hotellia aivan pääkaupungin keskustasta, vaan otettiin ”kohtalainen” hotelli ja vähän pienempien kaupunkien reunoilta.

Eroja huomasi myös esimerkiksi ruoassa, kun kisamatkoilla hotellit tai kisapaikat tarjosivat aina kisapäivän lounaan sekä päivällisen. Tšekissä ollessa hotelli tarjosi päivälliseksi keittoa, jossa oli riisiä ja herneitä, kun taas Portugalissa oli joka päivä erilaisia pastoja ja jotain lihaa.

Alankomaissa kannabiksen polton ollessa laillista, on siellä suomalaisena aika outoa kulkea kadulla, kun näkee turistien sekä paikallisten nauttivan kyseistä ainetta keskellä kirkasta päivää.

Ruoka eri maissa maistuu aina paljon paremmalle kuin Suomessa, voi tietenkin olla, että ruoka on aina parempaa pitkien päivien jälkeen.

Kulttuurista oppiminen on ollut aina iso osa erilaisia reissuja minulle ja innolla odotankin jo seuraavaa matkaa.


Uusiin ihmisiin tutustuminen erilaisilla reissuilla on aina pakollinen ”suoritettava tehtävä” itselleni. Uusien ihmisten avulla voi myös oppia eri maiden kulttuurista. Parasta on, jos tutustuu kyseisen maan asukkaaseen, sillä hän voi toimia oppaana ja kertoa miten maassa kuuluu toimia hyvien tapojen mukaan. Ulkomailla ihmiset ottavat oman kokemuksen mukaan suomalaiset hyvillä mielin ystäväksi ja suurin osa porukasta on aina hyvin positiivisia.

Matka kohteeseen

Matkustus on aina rankkaa, mutta saapuminen kohteeseen palkitsee. Hotellilla lepääminen on rentouttavampaa kuin kotona lepääminen, koska tietää, että ei ole velvollisuuksia. Matkustaminen on hienoa, kun koko matkan ajan näkee erilaisia maisemia ja ehkä jopa nähtävyyksiä. Matkustusvälineellä ei ole väliä – lentokoneessa voi nähdä kaupunkien valoja ja vuoria, junassa kaupunkeja, metsiä ja järviä, linja-autoissa voi nähdä käytännössä mitä vaan. Matkustaessa voi myös saada uusia tuttavuuksia ja matkan aikana voi kysellä mihin muut ovat matkalla.

Matkallani Kroatiaan näimme paljon erilaista luontoa ja yllätyin siitä kuinka paljon vesistöissä oli merisiilejä.

Teksti ja kuvat: Ella Mäntynen, ensimmäisen vuoden Matkailuliiketoiminnan opiskelija

Vaihdossa Costa Ricassa

Paras matkamuistoni on ehdottomasti vaihtoreissu Costa Ricalle. Lähdin sinne syyskuussa 2022 syyslukukauden ajaksi. Pääsin kokemaan muun muassa surffailun huumaa, tutustumaan paikallisiin riippusiltakansanpuistoihin ja näkemään upeita maisemia, kuten auringonlaskuja ja -nousuja sekä vesiputouksia, uusien kavereiden saamista unohtamatta. Espanjankielen taitoni kehittyivät myös huimasti näiden muutaman kuukauden aikana.

Olen itse adoptoitu Kolumbiasta ja kohteeseen saapuessani kävi ilmi, että myös isäntäperheeni jäsenet olivat kolumbialaisia! Alkuun tuli yllätyksenä, että he eivät osanneetkaan englantia lähes ollenkaan, mutta alkukankeuden jälkeen päivittäinen espanjaksi puhuminen alkoi sujumaan.

Perheeni tuli myös Suomesta vierailulle siellä ollessani, ja lähdimme yhdessä elämäni kolmatta kertaa Kolumbiaan viikonloppuvisiitille. Kolumbiaan paluu tuntuu aina jollain tapaa kuin olisi palannut kotiin.

Suosittelen lämpimästi vaihtoon lähtöä ihan jokaiselle jos vähänkään tuntuu siltä! Itse lähdin yksin, sillä en halunnut lähteä ulkomaille vaihtoon puhumaan suomea suomalaisten kaverien kanssa. Olen iloinen tästä päätöksestä, sillä koen, että sain koko reissusta enemmän irti, kun ei ollut tuttuja kavereita, joihin tukeutua. Kv-vaihto oli heittämällä elämäni yksi parhaimpia kokemuksia!

Teksti: Elsa Helasmo, Matkailuliiketoiminnan opiskelija
Kuvat: Pixabay